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At length, on the 20th of November, 1249, after more than five months' inactivity at Damietta, the crusaders put themselves once more in motion, with the determination of marching upon Babylon, that outskirt of Cairo, now called Old Cairo, which the greater part of them, in their ignorance, mistook for the real Babylon, and where they flattered themselves they would find immense riches, and avenge the olden sufferings of the Hebrew captives.

He then returned to his own country, where his father received him affectionately, blaming him, however, for the want of skill and judgment with which he had conducted his affairs. His departure took place in the end of 1217, and thus closed the wars which established the Great Charter as the foundation of English law. King of England. 1216. Henry III. Kings of Scotland. 1214. Alexander II. 1249.

We find here some beautiful specimens of glass manufacture, for which Bohemia has long been celebrated, though she is now rivalled in this line by both England and America. Prague has had more than its share of the calamities of war, having been besieged and taken six times before the year 1249. In the war of the Hussites it was taken, burned, plundered, and sacked with barbarous ferocity.

When at Paris he was most intimate with the Swedish Ambassador , and deposited with him some valuable things which he would neither intrust to the King, nor to any of his subjects. Ep. 1140. p. 516. Ep. 1226. p. 548. Ep. 1207. p. 549. & 1224. p. 553. Ep. 1223 p. 557. Ep. 1254. p. 569. Ep. 1249. p. 566. Puffendorf, l. 11. § 39. Le Vassor, l. 45. p. 265, 266. Ep. 1216, p. 548. Ep. 876 p. 384.

In 1248, in 1249, and again in 1255 the great Council fruitlessly renewed its demand for a regular ministry, and the growing resolve of the nobles to enforce good government was seen in their offer of a grant on condition that the great officers of the Crown were appointed in the Council of the Baronage.

Those dreary solitudes had for ages been traversed by caravans, and instead of cities and villages, and the hum of busy life, the eye met only the tombs in which the dead mouldered; and the silence of the grave oppressed the soul. In the year 1249, Alexander returned from his humiliating journey to Tartary.

The Countess Ella and her son Nicholas, Bishop of Salisbury, raised an effigy to William like that of his father, and the figures of the father and son lie opposite to each other in the new cathedral founded by Bishop Poore. Henry III. Kings of Scotland. 1214. Alexander II. 1249. Alexander III. Kings of France. 1226. Louis IX. Emperor of Germany. 1209. Friedrich II. 1249. Conrad IV. 1255. William.

Alexander II therefore equipped a naval expedition to reduce the islands, but, soon after he had embarked, he sickened and died on the island of Kerrera, near Oban, in 1249, leaving as his successor, his son Alexander III, then only in his eighth year, who was married in 1251, before his eleventh year, to Margaret, daughter of Henry III of England, then a child of about the same age as himself.