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Having taken this financial plunge into European financial waters, Uncle Sam has got the foreign lending habit and has loaned $117,000,000 to Latin-America, mainly to Argentina and Chili: $39,000,000 to neutral European nations, including Switzerland, Norway, Greece and Sweden. Not desiring to play any race favourites, he has speeded China on her way to enlightenment to the extent of $4,000,000.

The only other general rooms of the contemporary American section are those at the far north end of the building, beyond the foreign sections, numbered from 117 to 120. Gallery 117 is a sort of catch-all room, in which are many things that never should have been admitted to the galleries. The really interesting feature is the series of canvases by Frieseke, full of light and freedom.

And therefore, henceforward, whether I live to see the like assembly or no, or whoever holds the reins of government, let me warn you to beware of provoking your sovereign's patience, so far as you have done mine. Elizabeth carried further her dignity on this occasion. * D'Ewes, p. 130. D'Ewes, p. 116, 117. * J Camden, p. 400.

A remarkable case of infant vitality is given on page 117. Operations in the Young and Old. It might be of interest to mention that such a major operation as ovariotomy has been successfully performed in an infant. In a paper on infant ovariotomy, several instances of this nature are mentioned.

117 I close with these words uttered by God, exalted be His glory: “Say not to everyone who meeteth you with a greeting, ‘Thou art not a believer’.” 118 Peace be upon you, O concourse of the faithful, and praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.

115 The power that boasts of its mischiefs is laughed at by the yellow leaves that fall, and clouds that pass by. 116 The earth hums to me to-day in the sun, like a woman at her spinng, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue. 117 The grass-blade is worth of the great world where it grows. 118 Dream is a wife who must talk. Sleep is a husband who silently suffers.

In the home department there were 117 Dutch, 11 Belgians; in the war department 102 Dutch, 3 Belgians; in finance 59 Dutch, 5 Belgians. Such a state of things was bound to cause resentment. Parties in the Belgic provinces were in the early days of the Union divided very much as they have been in recent years.

The last Report of that Society gives the names of fifteen missionaries, having in charge nine circuits, in which are 882 members in full communion, and 235 probationers; total, 1,117. They have 20 Sabbath Schools, with 114 officers and teachers, 810 scholars, and 507 volumes in their libraries. They have a Manual Labor School and Female Academy.

The contemporary rooms north of the central hall can be best visited in three groups, each following the official room numbering: first, 67 to 74; then 43 to 51; and finally the detached section at the far north end of the building, 117 to 120. Gallery 55 has a well assorted collection of contemporary canvases, but includes no outstanding features.

Seven other pictures by Frieseke, interesting by reason of comparison with this masterpiece, hang in Room 117. In Gallery 48 are also some good landscapes, Robert Vonnoh's "Bridge at Grez" and Cullen Yates' "November Snow."