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Between 1850 and 1860, the wealth of the nation swelled 120 per cent., the value of its farms 103 per cent., its total manufacturing product 87 per cent., its manufactured export 171 per cent., its railroad mileage 220 per cent. Making all due allowance for the rise of prices during the period, this is still a remarkable exhibit. The great West continued to come under the hand of civilization.

Enquire for thyself of its people, that thou mayest be of them who have discerned the truth. 103 For eleven years We dwelt in that land, until the Minister representing thy government arrived, whose name Our pen is loth to mention, who was given to wine, who followed his lusts, and committed wickedness, and was corrupt and corrupted ‘Iráq.

History of Woman Suffrage, II, p. 103. Senator Henry B. Anthony of Rhode Island, Susan B. Anthony's cousin, spoke and voted for woman suffrage. Ibid., p. 101. The New York Post, which had been friendly to woman suffrage under the editorship of William Cullen Bryant, now came out against it.

+ + + + | Period. | Germany. | United Kingdom. | + + + + | 1877-1881 | 112 | 140 | | 1882-1886 | 101 | 125 | | 1887-1891 | 103 | 106 | | 1892-1896 | 99 | 98 | | 1897-1901 | 100 | 100 | + + + + Thus the fall in the cost of living of a British working man's family has been 40 points, while that of the German working man shows a decline of only 12 points.

I do not know what snakes are worth now, but I know what they would be worth then, for the statistics show that the seller could not come within 427,000 of carrying out his contract. However, I think that a person who speculates in snakes is a fool, anyway. He always regrets it afterwards. To finish the statistics. In six years the wild beasts kill 20,000 persons, and the snakes kill 103,000.

Miss Chase spoke 103 times before the local Granges, an important factor in State politics. Miss Quimby circularized the delegates, prepared a leaflet of opinions from prominent citizens and aided in securing a petition of 2,582. In January, 1903, Mrs. Catt came and took charge of the campaign, remaining until the vote was taken in March.

About the time that the day of slow speed was drawing to a close licenses were granted to 3026 stage-coaches, of which 1507 went to and from London, besides 103 mail-coaches. And it has been estimated that the number of passengers carried in the year about that time was two millions.

Lord! keep us looking to, and humbly following, thee! Chap. VI. p. 103. What a huge difference the absence of a blank space, which is nothing, or next to nothing, may make! The words here should have been printed, "God is all, and yet is no thing;" For what does 'thing' mean? Itself, that is, the 'ing', or inclosure, that which is contained within an outline, or circumscribed.

More than any other party it has kept its representation in the Reichstag at about the same number. In 1903 they cast 1,875,300 votes and had 100 members. In 1907 they had 103 members, and in the last election of 1912 they won 93 seats. Even this Catholic party is now divided.

Copies Cash Cash Total Total Value of Sold Profit Loss Profit loss stock Erewhon 3843 62 10 10 69 3 10 6 13 0 The Fair 442 41 2 2 27 18 2 13 4 0 Haven Life and 640 4 17 1.5 7 19 1.5 12 16 3 Habit Evolution 541 103 11 10 89 13 10 13 18 0 Old & New Unconscious 272 38 13 5 38 13 5 Memory Alps and 332 113 6 4 110 18 4 22 8 0 Sanctuaries Selections 120 51 4 10.5 48 10 10.5 2 14 0 from Previous Works Luck or 284 41 6 4 13 18 10 27 7 6 Cunning?