United States or Belgium ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He was truly a lover of Penelope, the bow of Ulysses having betrayed his weakness. "The malady of his soul," says his mother, "afflicted his body. He thought himself like the good Esos; he would have himself boiled in a caldron with aromatic herbs to restore his vigor." But Ninon's opinion of him was somewhat different. She lamented his untimely end, but did not hesitate to express her views.

"Un Americano," repeated I, for we were conversing in Spanish. "Y son esos Americanos?" "Si, Senor," replied I. "Carrambo!" shouted the Spaniard, with a sudden leap, his eyes almost starting from their sockets. "I should say, not exactly Americans," I added. "Many of them are Irish, and French, and Germans, and Swedes, and Swiss; yet they are all Americans now."

It is a strange fact that Germans, who now have the great bulk of the trade throughout Central America, are very unpopular. Nor are the Americans popular. "Los Americanos son Bestias," "Esos Hombres son Demonios" express the feeling. I was told that in Guatemala there exists a tribe of Indians which does not permit the use of alcoholic drink and actually pays the State compensation instead.

Lo que yo digo es que todos esos impulsos, sentimientos, debilidades e imperfecciones de la mujer se deben precisamente a su estado de seclusión doméstica, efectos de una educación o de un sistema tocado de senil debilidad, que no permite a las facultades naturales de la mujer aquella expansión que es tan necesaria a la vida como el vapor a la electricidad y la electricidad a la luz.

Además, esos centanares de miles perdidos no son de ellos, segun dicen: ¿cómo los iban

Y no vemos en todo ello ninguna asechanza o peligro para su virtud, sabiendo que esas mujeres que van a esos puntos y se exhiben de esa manera son madres, esposas, o hijas que tienen deberes que atender en sus casas.

CASERO. ¡De pagar a su casero, eh? DOÑA MATILDE. No digo eso, sino que aunque somos pobres somos personas de honor, y que.... CASERO. , , personas de honor sin dinero ... eso es lo que yo me temía ... y ésos son los peores inquilinos.