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It is a serviceable posset-pot, with a silver tip and lid, both of which are gilded, the cover, still playing faithfully on its hinge, being chased with the device of Adam and Eve in the garden partaking of the forbidden fruit. An accompanying record reads as follows: "At ye Feast of St. Michael, Ano. 1607, my Sister, ye Lady Mildmay, did give me a Stone Pot, tipped & covered wth. a Silver Lydd."

The points in the country, too, he noticed, as he passed them, Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo, Point Año Nuevo, the opening to Monterey, which to my disappointment we did not visit.

He claims that they may be productive of fistula in ano, superficial ulcerations, fecal concretions, fissure in ano, and that they may hypertrophy and set up tenesmus and other troubles. The presence of human tails has given rise to discussion between friends and opponents of the Darwinian theory.

The imposing appearance of the south front amply atones for any disappointment the visitor may experience at his first sight of the buildings from the Chard road. Over the entrance tower is the inscription: ANO' D'NI MILLESIMO QUINQUESIMO VIC'MO OCTA'O A D'NO FACTUM EST THOMA CHARD ABB. The beautiful cloisters are much admired and the magnificent porch is one of the finest entrances in England.

Vino en ese año con su familia a México, hallando desde Veracruz cordial y entusiasta recibimiento; y supuesto su positivo mérito y lo avanzado de sus ideas liberales, nada extraño fué verle aquí nombrado bibliotecario nacional y síndico del Ayuntamiento, ni que la administración de Gómez Farias le hiciera miembro de la Dirección General de Instrucción Pública, en que figuraban Rodríguez Puebla, Quintana Roo y algunos otros personajes, y que, como es sabido, llegó a ser una especie de consejo privado en que se discutieron y resolvieron las más graves cuestiones políticas de la época.

The usual north wind slackened, so that when noon allowed Macomb to get a good observation, it was found that we were north of Ano Nuevo, the northern headland of Monterey Bay.

Y para remedio dello, el año pasado comencé á ponello en latin, para siendo examinado y aprobado, imprimillo, dando por cosa agena y no mia todo lo que anduviese en vulgar y escrito de mano. Y por la falta de salud que he tenido como es notorio, no lo he podido acabar.

But I must say what I think about the natural scenery of places that I visit, and nowhere, even in New Zealand no, not even in Queen Charlotte's Sound, nor in Banks's Peninsula, have I seen anything so completely beautiful as this harbour "heoi ano" "that's enough."

The dreaded ano seco of the Mexicans might come again and would come, but never to the inhabitants of Forlorn River. That stone-walled, stone-floored gulch would never leak, and already it contained water enough to irrigate the whole Altar Valley for two dry seasons. Yaqui led swiftly along the lake to the upper end, where the stream roared down over unscalable walls.

I was a-ridin' up the river this afternoon when I see the old man cuttin' down a palo verde tree, and about forty head of cattle lingerin' around to eat the top off as soon as she hit the ground; and he says to me, kinder solemn and fatherly: "'Jeff, he says, 'cut trees for your cattle this is an año seco." "'Yes, I've heard that before, says I. 'But my cows is learnin' to climb."