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Upon being informed of Zuleika's seizure by the outlaws and of the part her father wished him to take in her deliverance, Maximilian instantly consented, only too happy to have such a signal opportunity of serving his benefactor. Zuleika's misfortune, however, distressed him greatly. "Does Valentine know of your daughter's capture?" he asked of the Count.

But, grimly enough, Zuleika's estimate was never put to the test. Is it harder for a coward to fight with his fists than to kill himself? Or again, is it easier for him to die than to endure a prolonged cross-fire of women's wrath and scorn? This I know: that in the life of even the least and meanest of us there is somewhere one fine moment one high chance not missed.

These words were accompanied by a look of ineffable tenderness and sincerity. They instantly brought hope to Zuleika's heart. She burst into a flood of tears, but they were tears of joy. Still, she hesitated. What would her father say if she accepted Mme. Morrel's generous proposition? "Do you accept, Zuleika?" pursued Mme. Morrel.

Zuleika's curiosity was now considerably excited. What could this mysterious residence, or, as her father quaintly styled it, this substitute for a mansion be like?

Pardon us for having acted without your authorization, but we desired to succeed before confessing to you the part we had taken in the affair." Monte-Cristo smiled. "You need no pardon from me," he said, gently, much affected by this proof of devotion to his daughter and through her to him; "on the contrary you have my gratitude as well as Zuleika's! But what success have you met with?"

While the cruel blows fell upon him, he cried to God, "O Lord, Thou knowest that I am innocent of these things, and why should I die to-day on account of a false accusation by the hands of these uncircumcised, impious men?" God opened the mouth of Zuleika's child, a babe of but eleven months, and he spoke to the men that were beating Joseph, saying: "What is your quarrel with this man?

As she stole down the corregidor the beams struck it and it glittered like stars. "'So you are come, Zuleika? "'Yes, my lord. "Just then a sound as of steel smote upon the ear, and Zuleika's mail-clad father rushed in. He drew his sword, so did the other. A moment more, and they both lay dead and stiff in the beams of the moon. Zuleika gave a loud shriek, and threw herself upon their bodies.

The youthful couple were seated very near each other upon a rustic bench. Massetti held Zuleika's small, soft hand in his and the electric touch of her tiny and shapely fingers thrilled him as the touch of female fingers had never thrilled him before. He gazed into the liquid depths of her dark, glowing eyes and their subtile fire seemed to melt his very soul.

The peripety was according to the best rules of tragic art. The whole thing was in the grand manner. Thus I felt that there were no indelicacy, this time, in watching him. Just as "pluck" comes of breeding, so is endurance especially an attribute of the artist. The Duke, so soon as Zuleika's spell was broken, had become himself again a highly self-conscious artist in life.

"Married?" asked the Duke. "No," said the Warden; and a cloud of annoyance crossed the boy's face. "No; she devotes her life entirely to good works." "A hospital nurse?" the Duke murmured. "No, Zuleika's appointed task is to induce delightful wonder rather than to alleviate pain. She performs conjuring-tricks." "Not not Miss Zuleika Dobson?" cried the Duke. "Ah yes.