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Somewhat soothed by the Doctor's good-nature, and a trifle ashamed of his wrath, Denzil yielded, and the evening saw them both back at the Gezireh Palace Hotel, where of course the news of the sudden disappearance of Armand Gervase with the Princess Ziska created the utmost excitement.

Ziska, looking into the girl's face, saw that she was very beautiful; and he saw also at once that she was exactly the opposite of Nina, though they were both of a height.

Lady Fulkeward gave a little scream and looked round. "Good gracious, Dr. Dean! How you frightened me!" The Doctor made an apologetic bow. "I am very sorry. I forgot you were so sensitive; pray pardon me! As I was saying, two months ago the palace of the Princess Ziska was a deserted barrack.

"No stone should be left unturned to prevent such a horrid marriage as this. There is nothing I would not say nothing I would not do." "But I do not see that you are doing anything." "Leave this little thing to me, my dear to me and Ziska. It is impossible that you should do everything yourself. In such a matter as this, believe me that a woman is best."

But Nina, as she rose from her chair and walked backwards and forwards through her chamber, telling herself all these things, clenched her fist, and stamped her foot, as she swore to herself that she would dare all that the saints could do to her, that she would face all the terrors of the black dark river, before she would succumb to her cousin Ziska.

"I am sure, Ziska," continued Nina, "you will understand why I ask this. Father is too weak to make the demand, and uncle would listen to nothing that Anton Trendellsohn would say to him." "They say that you have betrothed yourself to this Jew, Nina." "It is true. But that has nothing to do with it." "He is very anxious to have the deeds?" "Of course he is anxious.

The New York Tribune of December 3d said, and I can believe that Greeley himself wrote the words: "John Brown, dead, will live in millions of hearts, will be discussed around the homely hearth of Toil, and dreamed of on the couch of Poverty.... Yes, John Brown, dead, is verily a power like Samson in the falling temple of Dagon, like Ziska, dead, with his skin stretched over a drum head still routing the foe he bravely fought while living."

It was the dearest wish of her heart to be true and loyal to him in all things; but it might be possible to put too hard a strain even upon such love as hers. "Nina," the Jew said, "I fear your father. I think that he is deceiving us." "No, Anton, no! he is not deceiving you. My aunt and uncle and Ziska are deceiving you."

There he was tried, condemned as a heretic, and burnt at the stake . Jerome of Prague, another reformer, was dealt with in the same way by the council . HUSSITE WAR. The indignation of the followers of Huss was such that a great revolt broke out in Bohemia. The leader was a brave man, Ziska. The imperial troops, after the coronation of Sigismund as king of Bohemia, were defeated, and driven out.

One night when the great ship was speeding swiftly over a calm sea, and Denzil, lost in sorrowful meditation, was gazing out over the trackless ocean with pained and passionate eyes which could see nothing but the witching and exquisite beauty of the Princess Ziska, now possessed and enjoyed by Gervase, Dr. Dean touched him on the arm and said: "Denzil, have you ever read Shakespeare?"