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The other ladies followed her example, receiving their cloaks from the hands of their cavaliers, and the occupants of the box made their exit in the following order: Zibeline, on the arm of the Duke; the Comtesse de Lisieux, leaning upon M. de Nointel; Madame de Nointel with the General; the Duchess bringing up the procession with M. de Lisieux.

As the Duchess was the only person who had been initiated into the mystery surrounding Zibeline on the subject of the building of the Orphan Asylum, it was evident that she had gone to take her place in the directing of the work. In the afternoon Henri called to inquire for the invalid, and was received by the Chevalier de Sainte-Foy.

They dined together often with rich friends. Madame Martin, slender and erect in her zibeline corsage opening on a flood of lace, awakened with the charming brightness of her gray eyes the good man, who was susceptible to the graces of women. He had told her the day before how the world would come to an end.

Longing for fresh air and exercise, Henri went out after dinner, walked through the Champs-Elysees, and traversed the crossing at l'Etoile, in order to approach the spot where Zibeline lay ill.

You know that well! But how gravely you asked the question!" "For the reason that I wish to speak to you about serious matters, my dear Eugenie." The image of Zibeline passed before the eyes of the actress. That which Desvanneaux had revealed, in accusing the girl of debauchery, now appeared plausible to her, if considered in another way. "You are about to marry!" she exclaimed.

I accept your invitation." "To the Hotel de Montgeron," said Zibeline to her footman. "I never shall forget your sister's kindness to me," she continued, as the carriage rolled away. "She fulfils my idea of the great lady better than any other woman I have seen." "You may be proud of her friendship," said Henri. "When once she likes a person, it is forever. I am like her in that respect.

The daylight was waning, and a continued sound of closing gates announced the retreat of the gay world toward Paris. Zibeline alone, taking advantage of the free field, lingered a few moments to execute some evolutions in the deepening twilight, looking like the heroines in the old ballads, half-visible, through the mists, \ to the vivid imagination of the Scottish bards.

"What a pity!" she said to herself, glancing alternately at Zibeline and at her brother, between whom a tone of frank comradeship had been established, free from any coquetry on her side or from gallantry on his.

"Now that I have Madame la Duchesse, your sister, for an ally, I fear no enemies." "Not even if I should call for aid upon the camp of Desvanneaux?" "Alceste leagued with Tartufe? That idea never occurred to Moliere," said Zibeline, mischievously. "Take care!" said the Duchess, interrupting this skirmishing, "you will fall over into the orchestra!

"I shall take good care not to fail to call," earnestly replied the fair Lady Bountiful. She telephoned immediately to her head-groom, ordering ham to bring around her brougham at three o'clock. At the same hour that the elegant carriage of Zibeline was conducting her to the Hotel de Montgeron, M. Desvanneaux descended from a modest fiacre at the gate of the hotel occupied by Eugenie Gontier.