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"I'm going to hustle some workmen to installing the biggest spare power board I can get into the storerooms of the Ancient Mariner, and pack in a ray-screen. It will be useful. Let's move." "Our ship," said Zezdon Afthen, "will land in three of your hours." The Ortolians were standing on a low, green-clad hill.

Arcot landed near the head of the column, and cut off two or three men from the rest with the aid of his ray pistol. Zezdon Afthen quickly searched his mind, and with Arcot's aid they determined he did not know any of the Gods that Arcot suggested. Finally they had to return to the ship, disappointed.

Intelligent all right what more universally obvious peace sign than a primitive weapon such as a knife held in reverse position? You go with Zezdon Afthen. Try holding a carving knife by the blade." Morey grinned as he got into his power suit, on Wade's O.K. of the atmosphere. "They may mistake me for the cook out looking for dinner, and I wouldn't risk my dignity that way.

Our ship alone can easily generate ten thousand times that power. "Come, get in the ship, accompany us to your capital." The men turned, and retreated to their position behind the rocks, while Morey and Zezdon Afthen waited for them. Soon they returned, and entered the ship. "Our world," explained the leader rapidly, "is a single unified colony.

Thoughts beyond our knowledge have, of course, no meaning, even when our mental amplifiers get them, and bring them to us." "The Molecular ray!" gasped Morey in surprise. "They will be an enemy." "You know it! It is familiar to you! You have it? You can fight it?" asked Zezdon Afthen excitedly. "We know it, and can fight it, if that is all they have."

"That you thought something, I understood, but the thoughts themselves were hopelessly unintelligible to me. You know the explanation?" asked Zezdon Afthen eagerly. "We think so. The ship was evidently made on a world of huge size. Those men, their stocky, block legs and arms, their entire build and their desire for the largest of your planets, would indicate that.

"I have just received a message from Zezdon Fentes that he has an important communication to make, so I will go down to New York instead of to Chicago, if you gentlemen do not mind. Morey will take you to Chicago in the tender, and I can find Zezdon Fentes." Zezdon Fentes' message was brief.

"Then you have aged his memory of that event?" asked Wade in surprise. "That is one way of stating it," replied Zezdon Afthen seriously. Wade was silent for a while, absorbing this. But he could not contain his curiosity completely. Well, to hell with it, he decided. Conventional manners and tact don't have much meaning between two different races. "Are you married?" he asked.

I think Zezdon Fentes will stay here and help you. The others will go with us to their world. There we shall have plenty of work to do, but on the way we are going to stop at Mars and pick up that valuable ship of theirs and make a careful examination for possible new weapons, their system of speed-drive, and their regular space-drive. I'm willing to make a bet right now, that I can guess both.

Below them stretched the green flank of the little rise, and beyond lay ridge after ridge of the broad, smooth carpet of the beautiful Vermont hills. "Man of Earth," said Zezdon Afthen, turning at last to Wade, who stood behind him.