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Tarlac could sense the clan both as an empathic entity and as the individuals composing it: Ka'ruchaya Yarra's joy that one of her n'ruesten had been chosen to complete the Circle, Daria's exultation and love for him and their daughter, Hovan's deep pride that it was he who had adopted and then sponsored the Ranger . . . even unformed pleasure from the youngling in Daria's body, already a part of the clan's emotional life.

Then the Lord cried out: "Now make we an end of it! We have no might against this youngling, man to man: or else would Otter have done it. This comes of learning a craft diligently."

In this, as in everything else, it is minute knowledge and long-continued loving industry that make the true dilettante. A man must have thought much over scenery before he begins fully to enjoy it. It is no youngling enthusiasm on hill-tops that can possess itself of the last essence of beauty.

"Make play with fists, or wrestle if ye will, for that were great sport to see; but weapons shall not be drawn." Now Ospakar grew mad with anger and drink and he grinned like a dog, till men saw the red gums beneath his lips. "Thou wilt wrestle with me, youngling with me whom no man has ever so much as lifted from my feet? Good!

"I wonder now what it is that is hewing away up yonder?" said Youngling. "You are always so clever with your wonderings," said Peter and Paul, both at once. "What wonder is it, pray, that a wood-cutter should stand and hack up on a hillside?" "Still, I'd like to see what it is, after all," said Youngling, and up he went.

She hovered over him like a distressed mother bird over its youngling fallen from the nest, but, with all her efforts, she could not bring back even his usual slight measure of health and strength to the poor Little Mok. Ab came sometimes and looked sadly at the two and then walked moodily away, a great weight on his breast.

So they went on again a good bit, till they came to a brook. They were thirsty all three, after their long walk, and so they lay down beside the brook to have a drink. "I have a great fancy to see where this brook comes from," said Youngling. So up alongside the brook he went, in spite of all that his brothers shouted after him. Nothing could stop him. On he went.

Said the Lord: "This minstrel's tale goes with the song the bird sang to me this morning; and therefore am I here thronging to win thy head, rank reiver, and this young man's head, since it may not better be, and let the others go free for this time. Hah! what sayest thou? and thou, youngling?

The Sanctioner took hold of her arm just above the elbow. "Into the cruiser, youngling." She got in, was seated between him and another Sanctioner, both with blasters aimed at her. The third took his place at the controls, heading them toward MacLeod's Landing and Sanctioner headquarters. She put her sort-of-a-plan into action; as uncertain as it was, she had been unable to think of anything else.

This was what he'd offered his life to achieve, expecting only a death he'd thought would be final. He had brought peace, peace the Traiti could accept with full honor peace that meant life for Ch'kara, for Sandre and the twins, for Daria and the youngling she shared with Steve.