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"Yellow-hair," he said very quietly, "I've led you into a trap, I'm afraid. Look back. We've been followed!" She turned. Through the trees, against an inky sky veined with lightning, three men came out upon the further edge of the hog-back which they had traversed a few minutes before, and seated themselves there In the shelter of the crag. All three carried shotguns. "Yellow-hair?" "Yes, Kay."

There lay a boot in front of the fire, which the neat man, without warning, seized and hurled at Yellow-hair, with such skill and precision that the young fellow started upright in bed and demanded, with many verbs and adjectives, what he meant by that? "I'll teach you to whistle when a gentleman comes into the hut you Possumguts! Lie down now, will you?"

But the Fohn did not materialise; in the walnut and chestnut forest around them not a leaf stirred; and gradually the mountains cleared, became inartistically distinct, and turned a beautiful but disturbing dark-blue colour. And Thusis wore her vestal veil in the full sun of noon. "You know, Yellow-hair," he said, "all these signs are as plain as printed notices. There's bad weather coming.

He went up to her, shifting his pistol to the other hand, and as he laid his right arm about her shoulders the blaze in his eyes almost dazzled her. "We trust no living thing on earth, you and I, Yellow-hair.... I believed that man for awhile. But I tell you whatever is living within this forest is our enemy and if any man comes in the shape of my dearest friend I shall kill him before he speaks!"

Her own effrontery amazed and frightened her, but her words seemed to speak themselves independently of her own volition. "Yellow-hair," he said, "I think you have guessed all I might have dared say to you were I not on eternal probation." "Probation?" "Before a bitterly strict judge." "Who?" "Myself, Yellow-hair." "Oh, Kay! You ARE a boy nothing more than a boy " "Are you in love with me?"

"All right!" shouted one of the men from his cover, "we've plently of time to deal with you Yankee swine! Stay there and rot!" "That was Skelton's voice," whispered Miss Erith with an involuntary shudder. "They'll never attempt that hog-back under our pistols now," said McKay coolly. "Come, Yellow-hair; we're going forward." "How?" she asked, bewildered.

You'll get through if the chill of Isla doesn't paralyse you. But you've got to do it, Yellow-hair; you've GOT to do it." "Yes. Hold them off, Kay. I'll be back. Hold them off, dear Kay. Will you?" "I'll try, Yellow-hair.... Good luck! Don't try to come back!"

Then, as he hurled the last slab and clutched his short, broad knife, a gasping breath fell on his cheek and a wet and icy little hand thrust a box of clips into his. And there and then The McKay almost died, for it was as if the "Cold Hand of Isla" had touched him. And he stared ahead to see his own wraith. "Quick!" she panted. "We can hold them, Kay!" "Yellow-hair! By God!

"No," she said, astonished. "I don't think so. What an amazing thing to say to a girl!" "I thought I'd scare you," he remarked grimly. "You didn't. I I was scarcely prepared such a nonsensical thing to say! Why why I might as well ask you if you are in in " "In love with you? You wish to know, Yellow-hair?" "No, I don't," she replied hastily. "This is stupid.

I meant to say that I think I'll stroll out. Don't come if you feel lazy." He swung himself up to a sitting posture. "I'm quite ready," he said. ... "You'll always find me ready, Yellow-hair always waiting." "Waiting? For what?" "For your commands." "You very nice boy!" she said gaily, springing to her feet.