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Here there were no yearlings nor musk-rats nor saw-bill ducks looking for fresh eggs, nor any dragons nor star-gazers lying in wait for the young fry.

"Well you are a silly ninny, Prescott!" uttered Cadet Dodge disgustedly. "Meaning what?" asked Dick coolly. "Those yearlings were just about caught redhanded." "Yes." "And you had to go to work and arrange amateur dramatics like a flash. So when the tac. pops in here, he finds those most estimable young ruffians conducting an innocent day school here!" "Well?" demanded Prescott.

This makes a round half dozen head your father has lost in the last month, doesn't it?" asked Bob. "Seven, all told. When Bart Heminway told me he had noticed that one of those fine yearlings seemed lame, I wondered if something wasn't going to happen to it soon. And then, when we missed it from the herd last night, I guessed what had come about.

By law we are only allowed to sell skins weighing between five and eight and a half pounds. That means only those of males two and three years old. The skin of a yearling weighs just about four pounds and that of a four-year-old male eleven or twelve." "How about the two-year-old cow seals? You said that only the yearlings among the females were here."

Now Punk Dixon was a bit sensitive on the dogie question; while employed in the engaging pursuit of prodding refractory yearlings up a loading chute that spring his flimsy footing had given way, precipitating him under the feet of two score frightened animals whose sharp hoofs had reduced his brand new "chaps" to rags and himself to a sadly dilapidated mass of incoherent blasphemy.

Five minutes after tattoo Yearlings Davis and Poultney sauntered down the company street. "Suzz-zz! suzz-zz! Horwack!" came sonorously from the tent solely occupied by Plebe Holmes. "Great Washington!" muttered Poultney. "Who smuggled a sawmill into camp?" "The disturbance of the peace comes from this abode of beasts," declared Mr. Davis, halting and thrusting his head into the tent.

There were several cows in the herd, with a couple of awkward yearlings; and the King, much gratified, ambled forward with huge strides to meet them and take them under his gracious protection. But a moment later two fine young bulls came into his view, following the rest of the herd at a more dignified pace.

It seemed to attack the animals wholly regardless of their size and strength; its victims including a large bull and a beef steer, as well as cows, yearlings, and gaunt, weak trail "doughgies," which had been brought in very late by a Texas cow-outfit for that year several herds were driven up from the overstocked, eaten-out, and drought-stricken ranges of the far south.

"Now, I don't want to play baby," went on Jordan half eagerly. "I'm not resenting, on my own account, what happened to-day. But it was an outrage on general principles, for the affair made a fool of me before a lot of new yearlings. Stubbs, we're first classmen, and we shouldn't be humiliated before yearlings in this manner." "I wasn't there," replied Stubbs.

Winston knew a good horse, and had bred several of them before a blizzard which swept the prairie killed off his finest yearlings as well as their pedigree sire and his spirits rose as the splendid beast swung into faster stride beneath him. For two weeks at least he would be free from anxiety, and the monotony of his life at the lonely homestead had grown horribly irksome.