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And moind, youngster, thee'd best keep a quiet tongue in thy head as to whaat thou'st seen here." "I haven't seen anything," Ned said; "but of course if you wish it I will say nothing about it." "It were best for ee, for if thou go'st aboot saying thou'st seen men with guns and clubs up here on the moor, it ull be the worsest day's work ee've ever done."

Malcolm, my poy," he added after a pause, and with the solemnity of a mighty hate, "ta efil woman herself will pe a Cam'ell ta woman Catanach will pe a Cam'ell, and her nain sel' she'll not know it pefore she 'll be in ta ped with the worsest Cam'ell tat ever God made and she pecks his pardon, for she'll not pelieve he wass making ta Cam'ells." "Divna ye think God made me, daddy?" asked Malcolm.

I said. "Well, sir, old Byled Salt Pork." "The cook?" "That's him, sir." "But he whispered `Friend," I panted excitedly. "Yes, and that's what bothered me. If it had been any one else it would ha' been all right, but one can't quite believe in a cook being your friend at any time. After what has taken place just lately I should say he was the worsest enemy we ever had."

"Horrid, my lad; so's having your cattle and horses stole, for if they get one they're bound to have t'other; so is being starved to death; and the worsest of all is being scalped, and that's sure to come if we let them brutes go." "But it is so horrible to shoot them, Joses," panted Bart. "'Tis, my lad, so don't you do it. Leave it to us.

There's beasts you never heard tell of in this wood worsest of all, snakes, that think nothing of twisting round a child and off with it for their supper afore one could cry out. But if you stop quite still they'll not find you out before I'm back with the donkey.

I know what my mother is when once she has made up her mind there's no turning her; and if this fellow were out of the way, likely enough she would take up with another in no time." "But it couldn't been as bad as if wur Foxey," Bill urged, "he be the very worsest lot about Marsden."