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Cluny, in his "American Traveller," printed in London, 1769, says, "The climate of Georgia has been found to agree in every respect with the silk worm." Experience, however, proved that the climate was not sufficiently equable to secure permanent and continued success.

He that becomes a superior Brahmana adores, while alive, the deities of the sun and the moon, uttering diverse sacred Mantras. O worm, thou shalt attain to that state of existence. Attaining to that status, thou wilt enjoy all the elements converted into articles of enjoyment. When thou hast attained to that state, I shall impart to thee Brahma.

"When we brought them out to India they used to trot off into the jungle and begin sniffing at what, they imagined to be worms there. But the worm turned out to be a venomous snake, and so poor doggy played no more. I think you'll find yourself in a somewhat analogous position if you don't look out." "You surely don't mean to cast an aspersion upon your own daughter?"

There had been a thunderstorm and . . ." "I remember the incident now. A mere misunderstanding. I had done with the worm, and thought you might be glad to have it." "You were always doing things like that. Once you held me over the pond and threatened to drop me into the water in the winter! Just before Christmas.

In the Jung Kuo mansion, there was, it happened, a cook, a most useless, good-for-nothing drunkard, whose name was To Kuan, in whom people recognised an infirm and a useless husband so that they all dubbed him with the name of To Hun Ch'ung, the stupid worm To.

"Well, here's the place to find 'em," asserted Tim. "I'm getting some. You always find angleworms where the ground's moist. They like it, because the rain comes down off the roof here. There you are, grab that fat fellow." The girl made a grab at a bit of the soft earth, where a worm was wriggling back into its hole.

No, no, old woman, another time we will be more careful. Good luck never attends fishing on a Sunday. From Z. Topelius. The Raspberry Worm 'Phew! cried Lisa. 'Ugh! cried Aina. 'What now? cried the big sister. 'A worm! cried Lisa. 'On the raspberry! cried Aina. 'Kill it! cried Otto. 'What a fuss over a poor little worm! said the big sister scornfully.

"It was a blind worm you see," said Werner. Presently, however, they heard a noise as of thunder, and looking down the path they saw a head glaring at them out of the rocks, undeniably a dragon's head, with a huge jaw, red tongue, and rows of jagged teeth. The boys stared aghast: they were in for an adventure this time, and no mistake.

Look for her, after a little while, and you find friendship weeping over her untimely grave, and wondering that one, who but lately glowed with all the radiance of health and beauty, should so speedily be brought down to "darkness and the worm."

A wretched, poor, and helpless worm, On Thy kind arms I fall."