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F. P. Woodbury, "contains the New Testament, the Epistle of Barnabas, a portion of the Shepherd of Hennas, and twenty-two books of the Old Testament. The whole is written on fine vellum made from antelope skins into the largest pages known in our ancient manuscripts.

In the evening, however, when I went up to my own room to bed, Jane came up to help me as she always did at Woodbury. I began at once to tax her with not liking Aunt Emma. With a little hesitation, Jane admitted that at first sight she hadn't felt by any means disposed to care for her. I pressed her hard as to why. Jane held off and prevaricated. That roused my curiosity: you see, I'm a woman.

Benton, Silas Wright, Woodbury, Buchanan, and Walker were members; and many even of the less eminent names were such as have gained historic place men of powerful eloquence, and worthy to be leaders of the respective parties which they espoused.

Their number was variously estimated from five thousand to forty thousand. We marched the first day as far as Woodbury, a distance of twenty miles, and camped for the night near one of our old quarters. Early next morning, as usual, again on the move. Another "cock and bull" story was going the rounds, but little heed was given it.

John Woodbury rose and gestured his son to the chair he had been occupying. Anthony hesitated, but then, like one who obeys first and thinks afterward, seated himself as directed. "Mighty comfortable, sir." The big man stood with his hands clasped behind him, peering down under shaggy, iron-grey brows. "I thought it would be.

But none the less, I've come down here to make a violent effort. Let it cost what it may, I must get at the truth. I wanted to see whether the sight of The Grange and of Woodbury may help me to recall the lost scenes in my memory." To my immense surprise, Dr.

So I'd subscribed for a thousand shares, payin' fifty per cent. down for development expenses, the rest on call. Yes, I know. But you should have heard Blair Woodbury pull the prospectus stuff, and describe how the dividends would come rollin' in! That was six or eight months ago, and we'd stood for two assessments.

I would hunt up Woodbury now, though fifty Aunt Emma's held their gentle old faces up in solemn warning against me. The day after that again, I set out on my task. The pull was hard. I had taken my own affairs entirely into my own hands by that time, and had provided myself with money for a long stay at Woodbury.

Pursuant to the provisions of this act, Governor Odell named as the twelve members of the Commission: Edward H. Harriman, of New York city; Louis Stern, of New York city; Edward Lyman Bill, of New York city; William Berri, of Brooklyn; Cyrus E. Jones, of Jamestown; Lewis Nixon, of New York city; John C. Woodbury, of Rochester; Frank S. McGraw, of Buffalo; John K. Stewart, of Amsterdam; James H. Callanan, of Schenectady; John Young, of Geneseo; and Mrs.

Edward Livingston of Louisiana, who wrote most of Jackson's documents when he commanded in New Orleans, was made Secretary of State, Louis McLane of Delaware, Secretary of the Treasury; Lewis Cass, governor for nineteen years of Michigan, Secretary of War; Levi Woodbury of New Hampshire, Secretary of the Navy; Roger B. Taney of Maryland, Attorney-General, all distinguished for abilities.