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As we ate ice-cold chicken, salad, and chilled wild strawberries of the north, Mrs. James began with a gay perkiness to tease Sir S. about the "grateful model," whose name must surely be Marguerite; but I put a stop to that. The hour after a wedding at Gretna Green is no tune for talk of any woman-thing except the bride; and as I may perhaps never be anybody's real bride, I insisted on my rights.

And the women tempt them and then run away. Last of all they yield. These cells have it ingrained in them that the woman-thing is only ready to yield after a chase. Very few people do this consciously. A few do people who have been let into the secret of studying natural laws. Then they either do it for the fun of the chase, or else because they're too morally lazy to fight the urge of the cells.

It had been the one aim of his existence to bring to a perfect flowering the new-born bud his southern wife had left him, and he had succeeded. Yet she seemed so slight a woman-thing to be bearing the burden of a great wealth and a great loneliness that the major's eyes grew very tender as he asked: "What is it, clear, a crumpled rose-leaf?"

"And don't I, then?" "I don't want to live my life asleep all the time, do you hear?" "What a strange little woman-thing you are! There's a time for kissing, and a time for everything, you babe!" "Life is what I long for!" she cried, trembling with the uncertainty of what it was she wanted. "Life? Love is life!" "No, no! To understand that is life.

Even if that Ramblin' Kid lover of yours," she added softly, "does think I'm nothing but a silly woman-thing and hates me with all his queer, lonesome heart!" "Well, I'll be damned!" the Ramblin' Kid exclaimed when she was gone. He raised himself on one elbow and lay thus for a long time silently thinking. At last he got up, went to the corral gate, and he himself stepped inside with the horses.

Also he had character; there was something noble about his head, about the shape of his forehead noble and kind. All the more deplorable that he should allow himself to be infatuated by a mere outside, and waste any of his strength, any of his peace of mind, hanging round just a woman-thing.