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And why, if he had such witnesses at his beck and call, should he lay stress on the flimsy, weak evidence to be drawn from passages in books and poems and letters? One thing was clear: if he was able to put any of the young men in the box about whom he had examined Oscar, Oscar was ruined.

Now that we have heard the stories of the principals we'll hear what the witnesses have to say." "Fred Century was there, and he is in the library now," said Jack. "Pepper Ditmore was there, too, but Mr. Crabtree sent him to his room." "I will question Century and Ditmore, and also Coulter and Paxton," answered Captain Putnam. "You may retire to Classroom Three, Major Ruddy, until called."

Shall we start out alone or take witnesses with us?" "We will go alone. Does Oswald anticipate " "He is sure. But he lacks strength to move. He lies on my bed in there. Doris and her father are with him." "We will not wait a minute. How the storm holds off. I hope it will hold off for another hour." Mr. Challoner made no reply.

But now, the plates being changed by Miss Belinda, Mrs. Cratchit left the room alone too nervous to bear witnesses to take the pudding up, and bring it in. Suppose it should not be done enough? Suppose it should break in turning out?

The great age of the trees in this enclosure has been urged in favor of the tradition, but it is fatal to their claim as witnesses, that Titus is known to have cut down, for military purposes, all the trees in the neighborhood of the besieged city.

Before that tribunal the accused is confronted with his accusers, and may demand the privilege, which the justice of the common law secures to the humblest citizen, of a full, patient, and impartial inquiry into the facts, upon the testimony of witnesses rigidly cross-examined and deposing in the face of day.

I doubt whether among the witnesses of the splendid fetes that had followed without interruption at Rheims and at Paris, there were many who would not have been strongly surprised if there had been announced to them by what a catastrophe, in five years only, an end was to be put to the reign inaugurated under the happiest auspices."

After all we had our witnesses! The Duke's Epitaph. For a moment I stood in amazement, gazing at my opponent where he lay prostrate on the sands. Then, guided by the smoke which issued from the bushes, I darted across to the low stone wall and vaulted on to the top of it.

He had no personal feelings or conviction as to the guilt or innocence of the prisoner. It was for the jury to settle that point and it was his duty to assist them to the best of his ability. He went over his notes carefully and dealt with the evidence of each of the witnesses. It was for the jury to say what evidence they believed and what they disbelieved.

Paula's report of the day's proceedings, of Orion's behavior, and of the results of the trial angered the leech beyond measure; he vehemently approved the girl's determination to quit this cave of robbers, this house of wickedness, of treachery, of imbecile judges and false witnesses, as soon as possible.