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But, dear my son, because I could not cherish thee within these arms I strove to love and cherish all motherless children for thy dear sake and to grieve for all sorrowing mothers. So builded I the nunnery at Winisfarne and there sought to bring solace and comfort to desolate hearts because my heart was so desolate for thee, my babe, my Beltane.

I sat me thus, I say, within the square at Winisfarne, whither, by sound of trumpet, I had summoned me the knavish townsfolk to pay into my hand my lord Duke's rightful dues and taxes, which folk it is my custom to call upon by name and one by one.

"Tostig holdeth high feast and revel, for to-day we took a rich booty at the ford beyond Bassingthorp merchants out of Winisfarne, with pack-horses well laden and there were women also in especial, one very fair. Her, Tostig bore hither. But a while since, when he bade them bring her to him, behold she had stabbed herself with her bodkin. So is she dead and Tostig raging.

Walkyn, thy company doth lack for five, meseemeth?" "Aye, master for five; two fell in Winisfarne where I lay in bonds; other three were slain in the pursuit." "Saw Sir Rollo aught of thee?" "Nay, lord, we lay well hid." "'Tis very well. Are they many?" "Of horsemen I counted full three thousand, master." "And I, lord," quoth Ulf, "did reckon over two thousand foot."

Thus marched they, through heat and dust, through cool, green shadow, splashing through noisy brook and shallow ford, until, as the sun reached the zenith, they came to the brow of a hill and saw afar the walls and roofs of the prosperous town of Winisfarne. And ever as they drew nearer. Sir Benedict stared on it, his black brows close-knit, and fingered his square chin as one puzzled.

And presently he rose and lifted his hand, whereat the trumpets blared and, thereafter, with ring of hoof and tramp of foot, marched they forth of Winisfarne, the sun bright on helm and shield, a right gallant array. And at their head rode Ulf the Strong.

"Truly!" cried Beltane, clenching his fists, "and he marcheth on Winisfarne, to burn and hang " "Content you, my lord Beltane, Waldron of Brand lieth in Winisfarne, and I am here " "So doth my heart rejoice for thee, Benedict, thou right trusty and doughty friend. But how came ye hither, and wherefore? Methought thee yet in Thrasfordham!" "Aha, dear lad, so doth Ivo at this moment, I pray God.

So burst I through them I had an axe but it brake in my hold, see you, even as this my sword alack, there is no weapon that I do not break! Howbeit here am I, lord, hither come with word for one Sir Benedict of Bourne that did covenant to meet with Walkyn here at Winisfarne!" "Behold us here speak on!" quoth Sir Benedict.

The country is up as far as Winisfarne. Black Ivo lieth at Barham Broom with a great company I have seen their tents and pavilions like a town, and yet they come, for Ivo hath summoned all his powers to march against Thrasfordham. 'Twixt here and Pentavalon city, folk do say the roads be a-throng with bows and lances lords and barons, knights and esquires, their pennons flutter everywhere."

Thus saying, my Beltane wheeled his horse; and with rhythmic ring and clash, together, rank on rank, horsemen and footmen, they followed hard behind, a silent, grim array, with eyes that gleamed 'neath helm and bascinet, and purposeful hands that griped full strong on lance and spear-shaft, as, coming to the forest-road, they swung away northwards towards Winisfarne.