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Julia could not remain in the house; she could not remain anywhere; and as the morning deepened, she took a sudden resolution and ordered Prince to be saddled at once. "Mother," said she, "I have the whole of this long, long day. I must gallop off through the woods, around to Wilder's. I haven't been there since last fall; and then I will come around by Mrs. Ridgeley's and tell her, and so home.

"Then the thieves had the combination," put in Sam. "More than likely." "I wonder if Baxter and Girk committed that crime?" came from Dick. "I think they would be equal to it. They were up to some game." "It might be," returned Senator Harrington, with interest. "But how would those men obtain the combination of Rush & Wilder's safe?"

Wilder's elbow was the empty chair where Constance should have been she who had insisted on six as a proper breakfast hour, and had grudgingly consented to postpone it till half-past out of deference to her sleepy-headed elders. Her father had finished his egg and hers too, before she appeared, as nonchalant and smiling as if she were out the earliest of all.

"I was thinking of the Padré, Heath. That doesn't give you much clue, does it?" It was too dark for him to see a look that sprang into Mrs. Wilder's eyes, or perhaps Hartley might have found a considerable disparity between her look and her light words. "Poor Mr.

But I might go down and see." "Yes, I'd do that. Later on you can come over to Rush & Wilder's offices." This was agreed to, and as soon as breakfast was over Dick and the other boys hurried off to where Yates' tenements were located. Caleb Yates was on hand, and all visited the apartment Baxter and Buddy Girk had occupied.

As she dressed that afternoon to go to Miss Wilder's office she was far from joyous. She disliked the idea of meeting Evelyn in the dean's office. She was confident that Miss Wilder would state frankly to Evelyn why she had been spared. Her conjecture was only too well grounded.

Heath stood between him and elucidation, and the more firmly the clergyman held his ground, and the more definitely he blocked the path, the more sure Hartley became that he did so of set purpose. "But why, why?" he asked himself, as he drove through the Cantonment towards Mrs. Wilder's bungalow. Atkins got off his bicycle and handed it over to his boy as he arrived at the dreary entrance.

But he would still find his hunger whetted by the bright assurance that Wilder's Canned Peaches were excellent, or that there was nothing so good for the breakfast table as Gobble's Sausages.

Wilder's honored name, like that of the late Charles Downing, is inseparably linked with American fruits, and the country owes these two men a debt of gratitude which never can be paid for their lifelong and intelligent efforts to guide the people wisely in the choice and culture of the very best varieties.

"I wonder what ails Grace?" was her thought, "It's something about Miss Wilder's not being here, I'm pretty certain." She resolved to make inquiries concerning the new dean and made an excuse to accompany Emma across the campus after luncheon, leaving Arline and Grace together. "What's the matter with Grace?" was her abrupt question the instant they had left Harlowe House behind them.