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You've got to know the tricks. I learned a heap from a Mormon wild-horse wrangler. If these broomtails are thick here well, I don't want to set your hopes too high. But wait till I show you." "Pan, there's ten thousand wild horses in that one valley across the mountain there. Hot Springs Valley they call it." "Then, by George, we've got to take the risk," declared Pan decisively. "Risk of what?"

Satan and the sorrel were ten miles from camp when I found them this mornin'. An' Jim's cayuse went farther, an' we never will get him. He'll wear his hobbles out, then away with the wild horses. Once with them, he'll never be caught again." On the sixth day of our stay at Oak we had visitors, whom Frank introduced as the Stewart brothers and Lawson, wild-horse wranglers.

We had packed between three and four hundred pounds of wild-horse meat, which had been cut into small pieces and strung on the branches of a scrub oak near camp. Don, as befitted a gentleman and the leader of the greatest pack in the West, had to be fed by hand. I believe he would rather had starved than have demeaned himself by fighting.

Not the meat, lad, not the meat; everything else before that. So. Mind your helm, Chingatok; she'll steer wildish when lightened." Captain Vane was right. When Alf had tumbled some of the heavier portions of lading off the sledge, it burst away like a wild-horse let go free, rendering it difficult at first for Chingatok to steady it.

THREE wild-horse hunters made camp one night beside a little stream in the Sevier Valley, five hundred miles, as a crow flies, from Bostil's Ford. These hunters had a poor outfit, excepting, of course, their horses. They were young men, rangy in build, lean and hard from life in the saddle, bronzed like Indians, still-faced, and keen-eyed.

Slone seemed to know in what direction to go to find the trail, for he came upon it very soon. The pack-horse wore hobbles, but he belonged to the class that could cover a great deal of ground when hobbled. Slone did not expect the horse to go far, considering that the grass thereabouts was good. But in a wild-horse country it was not safe to give any horse a chance.

Three wild-horse hunters made camp one night beside a little stream in the Sevier Valley, five hundred miles, as a crow flies, from Bostil's Ford. These hunters had a poor outfit, excepting, of course, their horses. They were young men, rangy in build, lean and hard from life in the saddle, bronzed like Indians, still-faced, and keen-eyed.

Holley says they hide up in the canyon country. None of the riders have ever tried to track them far. It would be useless. Holley says there are plateaus of rich grass and great forests. The Ute Indians say that much, too. But we know little about the wild country." "Aren't there any hunters at Bostil's Ford?" "Wild-horse hunters, you mean?" "No. Bear an' deer hunters." "There's none.

"What's up, Kirby?" asked Wild Rose. "You had a spill." "Took the dust, did I?" He sensed the disappointment in her voice. "You rode fine. He jammed you into the fence," explained the young man. The doctor examined her. The right arm hung limp. "Broken, I'm afraid," he said. "Ever see such luck?" the girl complained to Lane. "Probably they won't let me ride in the wild-horse race now."

The prices have, however, since the Americans came into the country, become fluctuating, and the value of both horses and cattle is increasing rapidly. The wild animals of California are the wild-horse, the elk, the black-tailed deer, antelope, grizly bear, all in large numbers. Added to these are the beaver, otter, coyote, hare, squirrel, and the usual variety of other small animals.