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The cotton consumed here is almost entirely of the kind from ordinary to middling American, which is now the scarcest and dearest of any. Preston is almost wholly a spinning town. In Wigan there is a considerable amount of weaving as well as spinning. The counts spun in Wigan are lower than those in Preston; they range from 10's up to 20's.

"Thanks, doctor, nothing," said Quarles with a smile which showed that he had recovered his lost temper. After the removal of the body the doctor departed, fully convinced, I believe, that the professor was a much overrated person. "Well, Wigan, shall I tell you what the result of the post-mortem is likely to be?" said Quarles. "If you can. Remember you have not heard what I have to say yet."

"It is a warning to me to keep out of cases in which I feel no interest," said Quarles. "Still, circumstances have aroused my interest now. There is no doubt, Wigan, that there was every reason to look for an amateur in this business, and in spite of the hooligan club, you seem to have been half conscious of this fact.

"Or the first," said Zena quickly. "Jealousy is a most usual motive for crime." "I think the child strikes a true note there, Wigan," said Quarles. "We must keep the idea of jealousy before us that is, if we are compelled to believe there has been foul play. Now, one would have expected Sir Charles to telephone to madame; that he did not do so is strange."

The evasion of the law is very easy in the country districts in which the mines are situated; and no one need be surprised that the Miners' Union laid before the Home Secretary an official notice, last year, that in the Duke of Hamilton's coal mines in Scotland, more than sixty women were at work; or that the Manchester Guardian reported that a girl perished in an explosion in a mine near Wigan, and no one troubled himself further about the fact that an infringement of the law was thus revealed.

On the Saturday after my return from Wigan, a little incident fell in my way, which I thought worth taking note of at the time; and perhaps it may not be uninteresting to your readers. On that day I went up to Levenshulme, to spend the afternoon with an old friend of mine, a man of studious habits, living in a retired part of that green suburb.

He left immediately after dinner, did not reach home until after midnight, and has not yet attempted to account for his time. He was in an abnormal condition. We will make a mental note of that, Wigan." I nodded. "We will assume that when he left her Lady Tavener was alive," Quarles went on. "At Hyde Park Corner she was dead, and the driver Wood was entirely ignorant that anything had happened.

She'll turn up again all right. If you don't mind your own business you'll probably find her presently, and can bury her. With this letter I went to Chelsea, and the professor met me with a letter in his hand. He had received a like communication word for word the same. "An exact copy shows a barrenness of ideas," said I. "But they have begun to move, Wigan.

I feel rather a cur for trapping her, but you were in a tight hole, Wigan, and I had to get you out." Evidence showing that Parrish was a heartless scoundrel, the jury found extenuating circumstances for the woman, in spite of the fact that she had murdered an innocent man, so she escaped the extreme penalty. I was glad, although the strict justice of the verdict may be questioned.

It was, I think, the most lovely day as regards weather that I have seen in England. I passed, to-day, a man chanting a ballad in the street about a recent murder, in a voice that had innumerable cracks in it, and was most lugubrious. The other day I saw a man who was reading in a loud voice what seemed to be an account of the late riots and loss of life in Wigan.