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"The only wife I have ever wanted, the only woman I shall ever wed, is here." "Coward!" cried the Prioress, white with anger. "Traitor!" She leaned forward, clenching her hands upon the lions' heads. "Liar! You wedded your cousin, Alfrida, less than one year after you went from me." "Cease to be angry," said the Knight. "Thine anger affrights me not, yet it hurts thyself.

In the impassioned reply which followed this address it was noticed for the first time by the spectators that Maggie scarcely did herself justice. Her exclamation "I wed with thee! I, bound by precontract Your bride, your bondslave!" was scarcely uttered with the scorn which such a girl would throw into the words if her heart went with them.

"And so am I. And Job Legg was the dumb instrument, so I am the last to quarrel with him. Just tell him, that failing another, you might have thought on him; but that the die is cast; and when he hears his fate, he'll naturally want to know who 'tis. And then the great secret must come out. I should reckon after Easter would be a very good time for us to wed."

Penelope mentions her purpose to wed the man who on the following day, the feast of the Archer-god Apollo, shall draw the bow of Odysseus, and send an arrow through the holes in twelve axe-blades, set up in a row. Thus the poet shows that Odysseus has arrived in Ithaca not a day too soon. Odysseus is comforted by a vision of Athene, and

Saladin will not suffer me to see you, though he has promised that I shall be with you at the last, so watch for me then. I still dare to hope that it may please God to change the Sultan's heart and spare you. If so, this is my prayer and desire that you two should wed as soon as may be, and get home to England, where, if I live, I hope to visit you in years to come.

An Horse may snapper on four feet. All things wytes that well not fares. All things thrive but thrice. Absence is a shro. Auld sin, new shame. A man cannot thrive except his wife let him. A bairn must creep ere he gang. As long as ye bear the tod, ye man bear up his tail. All overs are ill but over the water. A man may wooe where he will, but wed where is his weard. A mean pot plaid never even.

For of a sudden his mighty arms were close about her, and rising, he lifted her upon his breast. "What would'st do with me, Beltane?" "Do?" quoth he, "do? This night, this very hour thou shalt wed me " "Nay, dear my lord bethink thee " "It hath been my thought my dearest dream since first I saw thee within the woods at Mortain so now shalt wed me " "But, Beltane " "Shalt wed me!"

"This is very perplexing," said Duke Deodonato, and he knit his brows; for as he gazed upon the beauty of the damsel, it seemed to him a thing unnatural, undesirable, unpalatable, unpleasant, and unendurable, that she should wed Dr. Fusbius.

I maun just sing a bit to keep up my heart It's a sang that Gentle George made on me lang syne, when I went with him to Lockington wake, to see him act upon a stage, in fine clothes, with the player folk. He might hae dune waur than married me that night as he promised better wed over the mixen* as over the moor, as they say in Yorkshire

To wed a man who came to destroy all for which she, her brothers, and his own father lived and labored, was base treachery. Yet she loved Joshua and, instead of harshly repulsing him, she would have again nestled ah, how gladly, to the heart which she knew loved her so ardently.