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In providing against accidents, which, though common, yet only too often find us unprepared, they thought it especially necessary to have at hand whatever is required for the recovery of drowning men accidents of this kind, from the number of canals, reservoirs, and waterworks in the neighborhood, being of frequent occurrence.

Her father has had a long illness and has lost his place he was in receipt of a salary in connexion with some waterworks and one of her sisters has lately become a widow, with children and without means. And so as in fact she never has married any one else, whatever opportunities she may have encountered, she appears to have just made up her mind to go out to Mr.

Water was brought from the river and the ruins of these vast waterworks are said to be the marvel of civil engineers even to this day. It seems that these hanging gardens were built to please the wife of one of the most powerful monarchs of the old days.

Nevertheless, he kept doing things to 'brace the town up, as he put it. The town needed it. It was about bankrupt. The fire department was a joke, the waterworks a farce, and the town hall a ruin. Babson thought this gave him a chance to put his name on the map.

Just lawn-festivals and club meetings and picnics at the Waterworks and occasional afternoon card-parties where the older women wore their Sunday silks and exchanged recipes and household gossip. If only there was something interesting just a little dash of "atmosphere." If only they drank afternoon tea, or talked about Higher Things, or smoked cigarettes, or wore long ear-rings!

Wood, bookseller, who carried the great work to a successful conclusion." Sutton Poyntz, in a charming situation between spurs of the hills, has been spoilt by the erection of the Weymouth Waterworks. This is the "Overcombe" of Hardy's Trumpet Major. Chalbury Camp, to the west of the village, is a prehistoric hill fort with traces of pit-dwellings within the entrenchment.

Suppose we run over and see the engineer who worked on this with me. He is now in charge of the new waterworks." In five minutes they were over there.

They would say, the men of his own profession . . . he remembered the half-pitying things that he himself had said when Lockhart's new waterworks burst and broke down in brick-heaps and sludge, and Lockhart's spirit broke in him and he died.

I might have understood it, if it had come from John Bull. But I have lived in France, and I never expected any thing from the people; more than I should expect to see the waterworks of Versailles turned into a canal, or irrigating the thirsty acres round the palace." "Yes," I observed; "but their sporting and sparkling answers their purpose. They amuse the holiday multitude for a day."

When the new waterworks began Agnes saved all the newspaper clippings relating to that tremendous undertaking, and she frequently drove out there of evenings after the workmen had all gone home; with just what purpose she could not say, but she felt impelled, as she half-sheepishly confessed to her Uncle Dan, to "keep an eye on the job."