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There were lights on the mantelpiece, on the dressing-table, on the washstand, and two in tall sticks burned before the cheval glass as though it had been an altar. "You can take one of them," Miriam said airily.

For the former, Hilma bought a "set" of pure white enamel, three chairs, a washstand and bureau, a marvellous bargain of thirty dollars, discovered by wonderful accident at a "Friday Sale." The bed was a piece by itself, bought elsewhere, but none the less a wonder. It was of brass, very brave and gay, and actually boasted a canopy!

My washstand consisted of a board about three feet long, resting on legs formed by driving sticks into the ground until they held it at about the proper height from the floor.

They swung the washstand out from the wall, and the Pug, going in behind it, began to work on one of the wall boards. Pinkie Bonn, an unlighted cigarette dangling from his lip, leaned over the washstand watching his companion. A minute passed another.

"My Councy's awful sick, and none of the other girls will wake up and I don't know what to do," said Carmen in a scared voice. "What's the matter with her?" asked Katherine. "She ate too many blueberries, I guess; she's got an awful pain in her stomach, and chills." Katherine hugged her warm pillow. "Take the hot water bottle out of the washstand," she directed, without moving.

The low sun flooded the room and when Hale turned, June was looking with wild eyes from one thing to another in the room her rocking-chair at a window, her sewing close by, a book on the table, her bed made up in the corner, her washstand of curly maple the pitcher full of water and clean towels hanging from the rack.

"Katy," said Elsie, "those mats of mine are most done, and I would like to finish them and put them on Papa's washstand before he comes back. Mayn't I stop practising now, and bring my crochet up here instead?" "Will there be plenty of time to learn the new exercise before Miss Phillips comes, if you do?" "I think so, plenty. She doesn't come till Friday, you know."

He looked about the ugly room: at the washstand with its square of oilcloth in front and its detestable bowl and pitcher; at the rigours of his white iron bedstead, with the valley in the middle of the lumpy mattress and the darns in the rumpled pillowcases; at the dull photographs of the landlady's hideous husband and children enshrined on the mantelshelf; looked at the abomination of desolation surrounding him until his soul sickened and cried out like a child's for something more like home.

Outside, near the entrance door, hung the family washstand, a double-spouted teapot of bronze suspended by chains. But it was plain that they did not pin their faith wholly to it, and that they took the weekly steam bath which is customary with the peasants. Not everything was citified in the matter of sanitary arrangements.

How hot, and dusty, and cross 'Lina was, and what a look of dismay she cast around the room, with its two bedsteads, its bureau, its table, its washstand, and its dozen pegs for her two dozen dresses, to say nothing of her mother's. How tired and faint poor Mrs. Worthington was, sinking down upon the high-post bed!