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On his head he wore an eagle-feather war-bonnet; his mane was plaited with red flannel strips and fluttering plumes; his tail was even gaudier; around each eye was a great circle of white and another of black; his nose was crossbarred with black and red; his legs were painted in zebra stripes of yellow and black; the patches of white that were native to his coat were outlined with black and profusely decorated with red hands and horseshoes painted in vermilion; on his neck was a band of beadwork, carrying a little bundle of sacred medicine; and, last, he had on each ankle a string of sleigh-bells that jingled at each prancing step.

Another chieftain has been folded in his blanket. The war-bonnet and war-shirt he wears in the picture we made of him were laid beside him in his last sleep, emblems of his last battle and tokens of his final conquest. Chief Bull Snake Bull Snake Old Bull Snake, or Snake Bull’s, Indian name is Ear-Ous-Sah-Chee-dups, which means male snake.

"In the mountains beyond the river of the blue water there is gold and silver, the metals that the white man loves. There lives the eagle, whose feathers the Indian must have to make his war-bonnet. There, too, the sun shines always. My heart cries for it. The hearts of my people are not happy when away from the Eithity Tugala."

When a warrior wears a feather with a round mark, it means that he slew his enemy. When the mark is cut into the feather and painted red, it means that he took the scalp. "A brave who has been successful in ten battles is entitled to a war-bonnet; and if he is a recognized leader, he is permitted to wear one with long, trailing plumes.

The duel over, some two hundred warriors dashed up to recover the chieftain's body and to avenge his death. It was now Colonel Merritt's turn to move. He dispatched a company of soldiers to Will's aid, and then ordered the whole regiment to the charge. As the soldiers advanced, Will swung the Indian's topknot and war-bonnet which he had secured, and shouted, "The first scalp for Custer!"

He too enters her teepee, and upon his feather-decked head her ax falls Only his death-groan replies! "Another of heroic size and great prowess, as witnessed by his war-bonnet of eagle-feathers, Rushes on, yelling and whooping for they believe that victory is with them! The third great warrior who has dared to enter Eyatonkawee's teepee uninvited, he has already dispatched her husband!

A warrior, whose decorations and war-bonnet proclaimed him a chief, rode out in front of his men, and called out in his own tongue, which Will could understand: "I know you, Pa-has-ka! Come and fight me, if you want to fight!" Will rode forward fifty yards, and the warrior advanced a like distance.