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"The stars of heaven, how few and wan Are all we see below Compared with what remain unseen Beyond all vision now! "Who knows the untold brilliance there, The wealth, the beauty hid? Like sparkle of a lustrous eye Beneath its veiling lid. "So with the heaven of better stars Of which these are but signs: So with the stores of wisdom hid In everlasting mines." "This is the finger of God."

She laughed and replied "Content thee and hold thy peace: of every ten days one is for the Ifrit and the other nine are thine." When she heard my words her colour waxed wan and she said, "By Allah, do not!" and she began repeating: "This is a thing wherein destruction lies * I rede thee shun it an thy wits be wise." And these also:

"Put another lump of butter near the fire," said the missionary to our hero; "not too close. I melted the last lump altogether." "A cup o' coffee for my Terence, an' wan for mesilf, my dear," exclaimed a loud voice outside. There was no mistaking the speaker.

Gervase moved uneasily, and a sudden pallor blanched his face, making it look wan and haggard in the light of the rising moon.

Nay, not only do they neglect their physical nature they ABUSE it; they sin against themselves and against God; and though they sin in ignorance, they do not escape the penalties of His violated laws. Hence you see them pale, and wan, and feeble; hence you find them acknowledging, when too late, the effects of severe application.

It was two hours after this singular scene, and exactly in the third hour of morning, that Vernon woke from a short and troubled sleep. A raw and comfortless chill crept over the earth, and saddened the air in the death-chamber. Constance sat by her father's bed, her eyes fixed upon him, and her cheek more wan than ever by the pale light of that crude and cheerless dawn.

The girl looked round the ragged moor, brooding in the twilight, and half hesitated. Then she forced a wan little smile. "I am tired, and hungry, too. Have you enough for us both?" "Lots!" said Maynard. To himself he added: "And what's more, my child, you'll have a little fainting affair in a few minutes, if you don't have a feed." "Come and rest for a minute," he continued aloud.

'I think you may trust my mother for that. 'Then I'll only run up-stairs and wish that wan girl good-night, and make my bow to her aunt, and go off with you straight. Mr. Bell was some time up-stairs. Mr. Thornton began to think it long, for he was full of business, and had hardly been able to spare the time for running up to Crampton, and enquiring how Miss Hale was.

Torches came, flaming high at the edges of the crowd, flaming wan and lurid on hundreds of black faces. "Il va pour gagner sa couronne Qui est-ce que suit dans son train?" "A crusade!" Simpson suddenly shouted. "It is a crusade!" Yells answered him. Somewhere a drum began, reverberating as though unfixed in space; now before them, now behind; now, it seemed, in the air.

There was the light of a wan smile on her face, too, though she had been weeping. "Forgive me, jarl," she said softly. "I have wronged you and those good friends of ours by my foolish words. Indeed, I hardly knew what I said, for I was hard pressed with the thoughts of what had been. I do believe that you three have not a thought of yourselves in this matter."