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"It's exactly as if they lived here all the time and waited for us to come back to them. Look at the ones behind those candlesticks. They've always been just like this, little old scholarly gentlemen in queer hats walking along a London street. I used to think they were going to old second-hand shops to buy old second-hand books.

He wanted to be a man of God and a leader among men of God. His walking in the fields and through the forests at night had brought him close to nature and there were forces in the passionately religious man that ran out to the forces in nature.

A couple was walking through a deserted alley. Suddenly the young woman raised her eyes and saw something brown in the branches. Surprised and anxious, she raised her hand, exclaiming: "Look! what is that?" Then she shrieked and fell into the arms of her companion, who was forced to lay her on the ground.

On Place Vendôme? And hear nothing talked of but this death which engrossed his thoughts! He preferred to trust to chance, to go straight ahead like all those who are beset by a persistent idea which they try to escape by walking. It was a warm, balmy evening.

He had heard of his old bourgeois' marriage, and was anxious to see him. Mr. Shaw was walking in the Champ de Mars with a couple of officers, when La Liberté espied him. He immediately ran up, and, seizing him by both hands, accosted him, "Ah! mon cher Monsieur le Chat: comment vous portez-vous?" "Très-bien, Louizon." "Et comment se porte Madame la Chatte?" "Et tous les petits Chatons?"

"Slack it off, and take a turn or two at the weather one." "Ay, ay, Sir." The officer then walking the deck again, all was silent as before, with the exception only of a rippling sound as the cutter began to feel a breath of air, and move through the water. The wind fairly sprung up at midnight, and at eight o'clock in the morning, the pilot came on board.

'Who was that fellow you were walking with today? young Longworth asked. Edith smiled upon him pleasantly, and answered: 'Mr. Kenyon you mean, I suppose? 'Oh, you know his name, do you? he answered gruffly. 'Certainly, she replied; 'I would not walk with a gentleman whose name I did not know. 'Really? sneered her cousin. 'And pray were you introduced to him?

I walked and walked, and at last I got into Paris, and found myself with still a couple of miles to go. It was all right now; I should soon find a cab. But the luck was dead against me. I heard a man come round the corner of a side-street into a long street I was walking down. He gave a yell, and came bucketing after me. It was that hound Dieusy. He had recognized my figure.

Phil has always been ter'ble sensitive about his lameness. That's what made him so lonely in his ways, though he was rare fond of animals and birds. We was all taken aback when we heard of his marriage. He always seemed so shy of the young ladies. The only girl I ever knowed him to take any notice of was Hazel Rath. I have met them walking through the woods together." "Who is Hazel Rath?"

All during the school day he was my devoted gallant, dancing attendance every possible minute outside of session hours, and walking home with me in the afternoon, proudly carrying my books. Did I say "home with me"? That is not strictly true he always stopped just one block short of "home" one block short of my gate.