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The first was a salt-pool lying in a depression on the second terrace, some one hundred and fifty feet above the sea. This pool contained living marine shells, identical with those now found along the shore. Among them were Fusus, Mytilus, Buccinum, Fissurella, Patella, and Voluta, all found in the same numeric relations as those in which they now exist upon the beach below.

Here are the real ones, not made up into truck, but just themselves. Oh, oh! Lena, look!" The Skipper was coming forward with a shell in his hand of exquisite colour and shape. "Perhaps the young lady like to see this?" he said. "This the Voluta Musica, a valuable shell, young lady. You look, and see the lines of the staff on the shell, so? Here they run, you see!

All these shells now live on this coast, and most of them in this same bay. I was also struck with the fact, that the proportional numbers of the different kinds appeared to be the same with those now cast up on the beach: in both cases specimens of Voluta, Crepidula, Venus, and Trochus are the most abundant.

It was the shell called "voluta musica." This was the first one of those shells found during the expedition. After a careful search he found twenty-three more of the same kind, and several large shells known as "Triton's trumpet." The bucket was filled. Paul followed it to the surface well satisfied with his first day's work as a submarine diver.

G. B. Sowerby, are of a much larger size and of a more vigorous growth, than the analogous species in the northern hemisphere. A large Voluta is abundant in southern Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands. At Bahia Blanca, in lat. 39 degs. Now, these are amongst the best characterized tropical forms.

Even as far north as central Denmark, humming-birds would be seen fluttering about delicate flowers, and parrots feeding amidst the evergreen woods; and in the sea there, we should have a Voluta, and all the shells of large size and vigorous growth.

Endymion Scraper, who had for the last five minutes been sidling quietly, and as he thought unobserved, toward the shelf on which lay the Voluta Musica. His claw-like fingers, after hovering over the prize, had finally closed upon it, and he was about to slip it into his pocket without more ado, when a strong brown hand descended upon his wrist.

Speaking of the "chank" shell, that is the name given in the East Indies to certain varieties of the voluta gravis, fished up by divers in the Gulf of Manaar, on the northwest coast of Ceylon. There are two kinds, payel and patty, the one red, the other white; the latter is of small value.

Cardita Patagonica, G.B. Sowerby. 7. Mactra rugata, G.B. Sowerby. 8. Mactra Darwinii, G.B. Sowerby. 9. Trigonocelia insolita, G.B. Sowerby. 11. Crepidula gregaria, G.B. Sowerby. 13. Voluta alta, G.B. Sowerby. 14. Trochus collaris, G.B. Sowerby. 15. Imperfect fragments of the genera Byssoarca, Artemis, and Fusus.

Humming-birds may be seen sucking the flowers, and parrots feeding on the seeds of the Winter's Bark, in latitude 55 degrees south. G.B. Sowerby, are of a much larger size, and of a more vigorous growth, than the analogous species in the northern hemisphere. A large Voluta is abundant in southern Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands.