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Clumps of stately hollyhocks and scarlet peonies; roses of every hue, purple, blush, gold-color, and white, were showering down their leaves on the grassy turf; honeysuckles climbed and clambered over arbors; and great, stately tufts of virgin-white lilies exalted their majestic heads in saintly magnificence. The garden was Miss Grace Seymour's delight and pride.

"I should say," said Trevalyon, "through the Mount Cenis pass, to Turin, thence, by easy rail stages down to Rome, so that you will not be too fatigued; we should spend a day in the virgin-white, the spotless cathedral at Milan.

What particularly astonished Mr. Prohack was the exceeding and minute finish of everything, and what astonished him even more than the finish was the cleanliness of everything. "Dirty place to be in, sir, Southampton," grinned the skipper. "We do the best we can." They reached the dining-room, an apartment in glossy bird's-eye maple set in the midst of the virgin-white promenade deck.

It was like the cuckoo hopping from the clock to sing his note at every quarter. There were little tables in every corner, all covered with virgin-white cloths and, in the centre of each, a vase full of chrysanthemums. It was all in order all spick and span French, every touch of it. "Ou voulez-vous asseoir, Monsieur? Sous l'escalier?"

What the deuce, he did not like bad language, but really, what the dickens, had all these to do with his ewe-lamb, innocent little Constance, her virgin-white body and soul, and her sweet, wide-eyed prettiness? "My dear Louisa, no doubt you know what you mean, but I give you my word I don't," he began. "Hear, hear, my dear father," put in Mr. Quayle. "There I am with you.

A carpenter close by was busily at work painting S.S. Saigon upon a row of virgin-white life buoys. The captain wondered and glanced up at the masts. They were just ordinary masts in the sense that they had no fighting tops, but they gleamed with wet paint. He frowned again, and, wondering more and more, looked forward.