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Literature and the Bastinado. The Woman's Place. Owed to Volstead. The Censorship of Thought. The Uninhibited Flapper. The Wowzer in the South Seas. Reformers: A Hymn of Hate. Prohibition. A Guess at Unwritten History. In Vino Demi-Tasse. Bootleg. And the Playwright. George S. Chappell demonstrating his Outline of Censorship. Heywood Broun finds America suffering from a dearth of Folly.

So after I had been to Scotland Yard, I stayed down West, went to a theatre and looked in at El Vino for a glass of port afterwards. El Vino in those days had a curious reputation, quite different from the Continental or the Leicester Lounge. No one would ever suggest you were a loose fish because you drank a dock-glass in El Vino, though there were women there every night.

And all the while the cup circled round with genial iteration, and it was universally agreed that, whatever the other drawbacks of Sant' Angelo might be, there was nothing to be said against its native liquor. It was, indeed, a divine product; a vino di montagna of noble pedigree.

Speaking the Spanish language as well as he spoke English, and seeming always to have plenty of silver in his pockets, it was not long before he was a welcome companion whithersoever he went. He had an extreme fondness for vino blanco, and gained the reputation of being able to drink more of it than any three men in town.

But a few steps farther on, at the regular wineshop of the calle, where we are offered "Vino Nostrani a Soldi 28'32," the Madonna is in great glory, enthroned above ten or a dozen large red casks of three-year-old vintage, and flanked by goodly ranks of bottles of Maraschino, and two crimson lamps; and for the evening, when the gondoliers will come to drink out, under her auspices, the money they have gained during the day, she will have a whole chandelier.

The pure brandy was administered, and once more the dark beauties reappeared, the first carrying a bottle of vin de grave, the second one of vino tinto, or claret, and the third one of l'eau de vie, for Aaron's peculiar use.

Missam faciunt quidem breuissimam, conficientes in principio verbis debitis sacramentum corporis et sanguinis Christi de pane et vino, ac postea paucis orationibus additis, totum oratione Dominica concludunt officium. Hoc autem verum est, quod cum maxima attentione, reuerentia, humilitate et deuotione se gerunt et continent diuinis.

Also, he grunted quick consent. Then he stepped inside the store, followed by Felipe, who made several needed purchases, and, since he had his enemy cowed, and was troubled with thirst created by the protracted harangue, to say nothing of the strong inclination within him to celebrate the coming of the colt, he made a purchase that was not needed a bottle of vino, cool and dry from Pedro's cellar.

So down to the Hall and to the Rose Taverne, while Doll Lane come to me, and we did 'biber a good deal de vino, et je did give elle twelve soldis para comprare elle some gans' for a new anno's gift . . . . Thence to the Hall again, and with Sir W. Pen by coach to the Temple, and there 'light and eat a bit at an ordinary by, and then alone to the King's House, and there saw "The Custome of the Country," the second time of its being acted, wherein Knipp does the Widow well; but, of all the plays that ever I did see, the worst-having neither plot, language, nor anything in the earth that is acceptable; only Knipp sings a little song admirably.

"Wine is the only youth granted to middle age," I continued, "in vino juventus, one might say; and may you, my dear young friend, long remain so proudly independent of that great Elixir though I confess that I have met no few young men under thirty who have been excellent critics of the wine-list."