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His villanies belong to the records of crime, not to history; but his very outward appearance the pale countenance, the wild glance, the gait by turns sluggish and hurried betrayed his dismal past.

The cousins, for whom I at last impatiently inquired, had been found to be quite innocent, only very generally acquainted with those others, and not at all implicated with them. My client, owing to my recommendation of whom I had been tracked, was one of the worst, and had sued for that office chiefly that he might undertake or conceal certain villanies.

In the midst of all this tumult, obscure murmurs began to arise that Barratt had practised the same or similar villanies in former instances.

First, the outlaw being, for his many crimes and villanies, banished from the towns and houses of honest men, and wandering in waste places, far from danger of law, maketh his mantle his house, and under it covereth himself from the wrath of Heaven, from the offence of the earth, and from the sight of men.

What is it? I have heard two or three names. 'Then you have heard villanies. 'Denham, Jenny Denham, Miss Jenny Denham, said Palmet, rejoiced at the opportunity of trumpeting her name so that she should not fail to hear it. 'I stake my reputation I have heard her called Shrapnel Miss Shrapnel, said Cecil. The doctor glanced hastily from one to the other of his visitors.

The contest between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, justice and injustice, has always continued from the earliest ages to the present moment. More especially is it true concerning American slavery, that "sum of all villanies," a crime which involves the continual violation of every one of the Ten Commandments.

Any accident might discover it, and if the slightest suspicion were aroused, the police would come upon her with violence and discover it. But surely there must be some such hiding-place, if only she could think of it! Then her mind reverted to all the stories she had ever heard of mysterious villanies.

After a life passed in the commission of a thousand mean and insignificant villanies, the mind of the kidnapper had become hardy enough to attempt the desperate adventure, which has been laid before the reader, in the course of the narrative.

No wonder that Lambruschini and Marini, the chief actors in the atrocities committed under Gregory, resisted that amnesty by which Pietro Leoni, and hundreds more, were raised from the grave, as it were, to proclaim their villanies.

It would abate Northern zeal against the 'sum of all villanies. Something should go forth with such representations to correct their influence in the Free States. What would become of the cause of freedom should such stories make their impression upon the minds of our people?"