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And when his brother was slain, Vikartana's son of the Suta caste, mustering all his prowess, rushed at Arjuna, like a huge elephant with out-stretched tusks, or like a tiger at a mighty bull. And the son of Vikarna quickly pierced the son of Pandu with twelve shafts and all his steeds also in every part of their bodies and Virata's son too in his hand.

Seeing Vikartana's son slain in single combat by Savyasaci, and the Pandavas crowned with victory, what indeed, did Duryodhana say? Beholding his host dispirited, what, indeed, did the ungovernable, proud, and foolish Duryodhana, with passions not under control, say?

Standing immovable like a hill and possessed of the strength of a prince of mountains, that grinder of foes, viz., Vikartana's son, Karna, O king, destroyed that wonderful shower of arrows shot at him.

Behold, Vikartana's son Karna, after having slain many atirathas, has been prostrated on the bare ground, and is drenched with blood. Wrathful and possessed of great energy, he was a great bowman and a mighty car-warrior. Slain in battle by the wielder of Gandiva, that hero now sleepeth on the ground.

And at this, the mighty car-warrior Arjuna and Uttara, both began to address him contumely." Vaisampayana said, "Having defeated Vikartana's son, Arjuna said unto the son of Virata, 'Take me towards that division where yonder device of a golden palmyra is seen.

And Kripa, and Kritavarman, and Chitrasena, and Vivinsati headed by Duhsasana, strove vigorously for protecting the left wing. And the Kamvojas headed by Sudakshina, and the Sakas, and the Yavanas, with steeds of great fleetness, proceeded, as the latter's support. Vikartana's son Karna proceeded at the head of the bowmen.

The mighty and invincible bowman Drona of the golden car, having slaughtered the Pancala divisions in battle, hath been slain. Having slaughtered the half of what remained after the carnage by Bhishma and the illustrious Drona, Vikartana's son Karna hath been slain. Endued with great strength, O monarch, prince Vivingsati, having slain hundreds of Anarta warriors in battle, hath been slain.

Indeed, that moment, when, representing himself as a Brahmana unto the holy and blameless Rama, Vikartana's son obtained that weapon, that vile wretch lost both his virtue and asceticism. O king of kings, when Bhishma said this after Karna had gone away giving up his weapons, Duryodhana, that foolish son of Vichitravirya's son, addressed Santanu's son in these words."

And then there arose the sound of loud clapping of hands, with the blare of conchs and trumpets and kettle-drums made by the Kurus while they applauded Vikartana's son who filled the atmosphere with the sound of his bow-string flapping against his fence.

Smiling the while, the heroic son of Pandu then struck the bowless Karna, that foremost of car-warriors, with three hundred arrows. Then Vikartana's son Karna taking up another bow, struck Nakula with five arrows in the shoulder-joint. With those arrows sticking to him here, the son of Madri looked resplendent like the Sun with his own rays while shedding his light on the Earth.