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She waited until she was quite certain that Verena was in bed; then she gently unfastened the door of her room and stole out on to the landing. There was not a light in the house. All the tired people had gone to bed. She reached the room, at the farther end of the same wing, where Briar and Patty slept.

Verena Tarrant saw that she was the object of this manifestation, and she got up to meet the lady whose approach was so full of point. Ransom perceived, however, or thought he perceived, that she recognised nothing; she had no suspicions of social importance.

I wonder whether Verena hadn't better hand the cake; we generally find the students enjoy it so much." This office was ultimately delegated to Selah, who, after a considerable absence, reappeared with a dish of dainties, which he presented successively to each member of the company. Olive saw Verena lavish her smiles on Mr. Gracie and Mr.

"There is one statement I will venture to advance; I am quite as fond of you as you are of each other!" "Much he knows about that!" said Verena, with a side-long smile at Olive Chancellor. For Olive, it made her more beautiful than ever; still, there was no trace of this mere personal elation in the splendid sententiousness with which, turning to Mr.

Burrage had promised to be in vigilant expectancy of their carriage, Verena found a sufficiently gay and natural tone of voice for remarking to her friend that Mr. Ransom had called upon her while they were out, and had left a note in which there were many compliments for Miss Chancellor.

But the rest of the house was truly turned topsy-turvy. It was necessary, Miss Tredgold assured the girls, to have topsy-turvydom before the reign of order could begin. At first the young Dales were very angry. For the whole of the first day Verena wept at intervals. Pauline sulked. Briar wept one minute and laughed the next. The other children followed in the footsteps of their elders.

Now that she saw it so fruitless and that Verena, moreover, had turned out really so great she was rather ashamed of it; she felt associated, however remotely, in the reasons which had made Mrs. Luna tell her so many fibs the day before, and there could be nothing elevating in that. As for the other reasons why her fidgety sister had failed and Mr.

"It would not perhaps be her world," said Verena. "You have answered me. Now I am going to say something that may annoy you; nevertheless I must say it. Your acquaintanceship with that girl as a friend must cease, and absolutely. She is not your equal. You are not to know her as a friend.

"No, I felt very blue; it didn't seem to me at all clear that there was a place for me in the world." "Gracious!" said Verena Tarrant. She stopped her on her way, and said she hoped she hadn't pushed Mr. Ransom overboard. "Oh no; he has gone off round the other way." "Well, I hope he is going to speak for us soon." Verena hesitated a moment. "He speaks with the pen.

But Verena, muffled and escaping, was deaf to him, and Ransom didn't look the right person to address such a remark as that to. Mrs. Burrage and Olive, as the latter shot past, exchanged a glance which represented quick irony on one side and indiscriminating defiance on the other. "Oh, are you going to speak?" the lady from New York inquired, with her cursory laugh.