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One trait of his habits, I have heard, was strict vegetarianism. He was exceptionally kind to the brute creation. Every once in a while he would make a break for solitude or wild freedom, sometimes for a few hours, sometimes for days. He was singularly spontaneous and fluctuating; in the same part each rendering differ'd from any and all others.

The conversation had come, by some devious route, to Vegetarianism; and the clergyman was disapproving of it. That made no difference to Thyrsis, who was not a vegetarian, and knew nothing about it; but how he hated the arguments the man advanced!

I think it was in the summer of 1874 or 1875 that Professor Newman first came to visit us. My mother had been much interested in some articles of his on vegetarianism, and had corresponded with him on the subject, and when the Annual Conference of the Vegetarian Society was held in Manchester later on, he stayed with us.

Compromising for the nonce with his teetotalism as well as his vegetarianism not to pain the hosts Piers drank bottled ale. It was an uproarious meal. The little servant, whilst in attendance, took her full share of the conversation, and joined shrilly in the laughter. Mrs. Otway had arrayed herself in a scarlet gown, and her hair was picturesquely braided.

The cogency of the arguments in favour of vegetarianism which I am about to discuss is another matter. In the first place it is very generally asserted by those who advocate a purely vegetable diet that man's teeth are of the shape and pattern which we find in fruit-eating or in root-eating animals allied to him. This is true.

Turkish trowsers, Fourierism, Spiritualism, Vegetarianism, Phonetics, Pneumonics, the Eight Hour Law, Criminal Caudling, Magdaleneism, and other devices for teaching pyramids to stand on their apex was pressed upon the Visiter, and it held by the disciples of each as "false to all its professions," when declining to devote itself to its advocacy.

Think, by the bye, of those new potatoes, just mentioned. Our cook, when dressing them, puts into the saucepan a sprig of mint. This is genius. No otherwise could the flavour of the vegetable be so perfectly, yet so delicately, emphasized. The mint is there, and we know it; yet our palate knows only the young potato. There is to me an odd pathos in the literature of vegetarianism.

He married his own wife because she was a butcher's daughter. 'A wholesale butcher, Sophia murmured in extenuation, 'and I am sure he loved her. 'And butchers, Caroline went on, 'always amass money. It positively inclines one to vegetarianism, though I'm sure nuts are bad for the complexion. 'I don't intend to be eaten yet, Henrietta said gaily.

Certainly the inmates of 'The Nest, if any judgment may be formed from their personal appearance, afford a good argument to the advocates of vegetarianism. It costs £13 a year to endow a bed in this Institution. Amongst others, I saw one which was labelled 'The Band of Helpers' Bed.

From an accepted habit of meat eating to complete ethical vegetarianism as a regard to the sanctity of all life. A complete Reverence of Life. From an intolerance towards the beliefs of others to a complete understanding of the others point of view.