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A moment later Charles Vapp was following the disappearing individual. The detective stepped into the house again. "Well, that's mighty queer," muttered the policeman, as he came back. "It is queer," answered Adam Adams, eying him sternly. "You had better explain it if you want to keep out of trouble." "Explain what?" came from Mrs. Morse. "You just told me that nobody was in the house." "Well?"

"You will make a clean and clear statement?" "Yes." "Clearing up the murder mystery?" "Yes." As soon as Adam Adams returned to Sidham he communicated with the chief of police, and with several other persons, and also sent two telegrams to New York. He tried to find Charles Vapp, but could not locate his assistant.

Ostrello walked up the street and down again, as if he didn't know what to do. At last he hired a rig and came out here. He went into the house and I was just going to change my disguise and take a look around when you came up." "I see. Well, Vapp, if he meets this Styles again you do your level best to hear what is said."

"This is a bit out of the ordinary, Vapp." "Well, that makes it more interesting. Who is the party?" "The fellow's name is Tom Ostrello." "Foreigner, eh?" "No, he is American-born the son of Mrs. Langmore." "You don't mean the woman who was murdered with her husband?" "Yes. He is a commercial traveler for a drug concern." "Good! I'm glad I elected to be a traveler myself."

He spent what was left of the forenoon in the town, calling at the bank, and on a lawyer and one of the merchants, and about three o'clock in the afternoon made his way once more to the vicinity of the Langmore mansion. Here, to his surprise, he ran into Charles Vapp. "Is your man around here?" he asked, as the pair met in the shadow of some bushes. "Yes, went into the house five minutes ago."

"Perhaps so, but if she did she was out of her head. It is too bad, for it complicates matters." "By your telegram I see that you want me to turn to something else," went on Charles Vapp, after a pause. "I do." Adam Adams drew a long breath. "Charley, wonderful things can happen in twenty-four hours." "I know that, Adam." "Last night I was doomed to die.

"It will give me an easy way to get around," answered Charles Vapp. "I'm Andy Weber, representing the Boxton Seed Company. A seed man can go anywhere, in the city and the country. I got the outfit from old Boxton himself. He thinks it a good joke and he will keep mum. Now, what's the game?" "I want you to do some shadowing for me." "All right that's my line."

The two men left the depot, and crossing the roadway, walked to a hotel on the next block. They ascended to the third floor and made their way to a fine apartment in the front. Here the door was locked, the curtains drawn, and the gas was lit. Then both men removed wigs and false whiskers, and there stood revealed Charles Vapp and Adam Adams.

"Hullo!" "Is that you, Vapp?" "Yes. Is this Mr. Adams?" "Yes. Are you particularly busy?" "Not if there is any money afloat," and a chuckle came over the wire. "I want you to do some shadowing for me, I don't know how long it will take. It's a man a commercial traveler. You can pick out your own make-up." "When am I on?" "Right away." "Want me up there first?" "I think it will be best.

"You want me to look out for counterfeits?" "Exactly." "That is not so easy, but I'll do my best," went on Charley Vapp, and then he asked a number of questions regarding Tom Ostrello, all of which Adam Adams answered as well as he was able. "You are to stay on this case until I tell you to drop it," said the detective.