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I want to know that you are alive and this is not all a dream, she began impulsively, yet behind the impulse lay a calculated design. She owed her life to Valerie's courage, but that weighed as nothing in comparison with the knowledge that in some indefinite manner the girl stood between Rallywood and herself, that Rallywood for some reason held Valerie in special regard.

Lisbeth, well aware of this dreadful scourge of Parisian households, determined to manage Valerie's, promising her every assistance in the terrible scene when the two women had sworn to be like sisters. So she had brought from the depths of the Vosges a humble relation on her mother's side, a very pious and honest soul, who had been cook to the Bishop of Nancy.

Dorothy Dainty and Nancy Ferris are to leave Glenmore two weeks earlier than the rest of us. Say! Do you think we'll miss them?" "Oh, Dorothy Dainty! Why do you go so soon?" "And take Nancy with you, too! Say, do you have to?" "Can't you stay longer?" These and many more were the queries called forth by Valerie's statement. It was small comfort for them to listen when Dorothy explained.

Jack, looking shy, turned from one to the other as they seconded her enthusiasm, Mrs. Pakenham, with her elaborately formal head and china-blue eyes; her husband, robust and heavy; Sir Basil, still with his benignant, unseeing quality. Among them all, in spite of Mrs. Wake's keen, familiar visage, in spite of Valerie's soft glow, he felt himself a stranger.

Entering his hotel, he went at once to Valerie's chamber. "Sleep well to-night, child; Alain has told me that he adores thee, and if he will go to the war, it is that he may lay his laurels at thy feet. Bless thee, my child, thou couldst not have made a nobler choice."

"I tell you, Baron, I have far better proof than you can show." "Proofs! give me proof!" cried the Baron, almost crazy with exasperation. "Come, and you shall have them," said Crevel. And in obedience to Valerie's instructions, he led the Baron away towards the quay, down the Rue Hillerin-Bertin.

He almost felt as if he had been having a wild dream, and that Valerie's glance was the awakening from it.

"Well, at any rate, I have found you," said Lisbeth, taking Valerie's hand, "that is some consolation in this dreadful trouble. We shall be true friends; and why should we ever part? I shall never cross your track. No one will ever be in love with me! Those who would have married me, would only have done it to secure my Cousin Hulot's interest.

The servants, in horror, refused to go into the room of either their master or mistress; they thought only of themselves, and judged their betters as righteously stricken. The smell was so foul that in spite of open windows and strong perfumes, no one could remain long in Valerie's room. Religion alone kept guard there.

"I shall look like a woman who has fallen into the fire! No, leave me to the Church. I can please no one now but God. I will try to be reconciled to Him, and that will be my last flirtation; yes, I must try to come round God!" "That is my poor Valerie's last jest; that is all herself!" said Lisbeth in tears.