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Under this is a soft medullary substance, which consists of entodermic cells with vacuoles. These gonads are not yet independent sexual glands, but sexually differentiated cell-groups in the medullary substance, or, in other words, parts of the gut-wall. Most of the Platodaria have not the muscular pharynx, which is very advanced in the Turbellaria and Trematoda.

For protoplasm does not fill the cell as a compact mass, but spreads itself out and builds itself up in the most delicate network or meshwork, of which it forms the threads and walls, enclosing innumerable vacuoles and alveoli, and Bütschli succeeded in making a surprisingly good imitation of thisstructureby mechanical means.

For example, the surface layer of its body is different in structure from the deeper parts. There are two contractile vacuoles, from each of which radiates a system of vessel-like canals; and not only is there a conical depression continuous with a tube, which serve as mouth and gullet, but the food ingested takes a definite course, and refuse is rejected from a definite region.

Its differentiations are a nucleus-like body, not common to the monads; generally a pair of dilating vacuoles, which open and close, like the human eyelid, ten to twenty times in every minute; and lastly, the usual number of four flagella. That the power of motion in these forms and in the Bacteria is dependent upon these flagella I believe there can be no reasonable doubt.

Fixing on one of these monads then, we followed it doggedly by a never-ceasing movement of a "mechanical stage," never for an instant losing it through all its wanderings and gyrations; We found that in the course of minutes, or of hours, the sharpness of its outline slowly vanish, its vacuoles disappeared, and it lost its sharp caudal extremity, and was sluggishly amoeboid.

This Noctiluca is a spherical form of not more than one-fiftieth of an inch in size, with a slight depression or indentation at one point, marking the position of a mouth leading to a short digestive cavity, and having close beside it a filament, by means of which it probably moves about. The sphere is filled with protoplasm, in which there is a nucleus and one or more gaps, or "vacuoles."

And should the recently-asserted fact that cells may arise round vacuoles in a mass of organizable substance, be confirmed, another good example will be furnished; for such portions of substance as bound these vacant spaces are subject to influences unlike those to which other portions of the substance are subject.

You will see this more clearly if you put a little rice-flour, very minutely powdered and colored by carmine, into the water; for you can trace these red atoms into some round spaces called vacuoles which are dotted over the body of the animal, and are really globules of watery fluid in which the food is probably partly digested.

Meanwhile, the bodies close together, and the eyenots or vacuoles melt together, the two nuclei become one and disappear, and in eighteen hours the entire body of "either has melted into other," and a motionless, and for a time irregular, sac is left. This now becomes smooth, spherical, and tight, being fixed and motionless.