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Comparatively wide pieces can be folded on the above machine, but some merchants prefer to have wide pieces doubled lengthwise, and this is done by machines of different kinds. In all cases, however, the operation is termed "crisping" in regard to jute fabrics. Urquhart, Lindsay & Ca., Ltd., Dundee. The full-width cloth on the right has obviously two prominent stripes one near each side.

"Did you warn us, then? If so, it is the first that I've heard of it." "Oh! we warned you all right," answered Urquhart, "and got your acceptance of the message." "The dickens!" ejaculated Dick. "That's very queer. Nobody said a word to me of any warning having been received. Yet no, I cannot understand it.

Peter and Lucy shared, among other things, an admiration of Urquhart. Peter was finding the world delightful just now. This first winter in London was probably the happiest time he ever had. He hardly missed Cambridge; he certainly didn't miss the money that the Robinsons had.

Urquhart" and had time to turn Francis Lingen over to Lady Bliss before she faced the ruddy and blue-eyed stranger. Her first thought, the only one she had time for, was "What very blue eyes, what a very white shirt-front!" when she shook hands. "How d'ye do? You won't know who I am," he said at once. "Oh, but I do," she assured him. "James described you to me." He blinked. "Oh, did he?

Naturally you would not hear; and very likely, if you had, his fate would have found him in some other way. That is what I try to believe. I hope it is not selfish, sir; but the doubt tortures me." "Mr. Urquhart," I asked, "is this the only occasion on which you have possessed the second sight, or had reason to think so?" "No, sir."

"Miss Bradley wants you, Urquhart," he said, as soon as they had exchanged salutations. "You may leave Miss Liddell in my charge, if she will permit." Major Urquhart bowed himself off, and Errington continued, "You would not suspect that was a very distinguished officer." "I don't know; he seems very silent and inanimate."

You were jolly sporting, though." In the night it seemed incredible that Urquhart had stooped from Valhalla thus far; that Urquhart had pulled in his arm with his own hands and called him sporting to his face.

While a girl, who'd never had any, took to the job like a duck to water knew just what to do and how to do it. I will say that for her." "Instinct," Miss Urquhart remarked to the man in the moon, who seemed to survey the couple with his tongue in his cheek. "I'm sure, though I say it, that I could give many a mother points myself." "I've no doubt you could.

"This is a hideous business, Murray," said I as he entered. "There's something wrong with Urquhart's story. Indeed, between ourselves it has the fatal weakness that he won't tell it." Murray took a minute to digest this, then he answered, "I don't know anything about Urquhart's story, sir. But there's something wrong about Urquhart." Here he hesitated. "Speak out, man," said I: "in confidence.

"Oh, all right. I don't feel it much. I say, do you think I ought to use it at once, in case it gets stiff?" Peter's eyes were a little anxious; he didn't much want to use it at once. But Urquhart opined that this would be over-great haste. He departed, and his last words were, "You must come to breakfast with me when you're up again." Peter lay, glorified, and thought it all over.