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Was it not too much to believe that he had always been faithful to his ideal of the camp fire? Ah! Maule would have jeered at that would have been totally incapable of understanding the romance of that dream-drive a dream in truth. But how beautiful, how sane, how uplifting it seemed, compared with the feverish haschisch dream in which she was now living.

Again I say, the Shaman is without power. Thus I spit upon his face! Though taken aback by the sacrilege, there was no uproar. Some of the women were even frightened, but among the men there was an uplifting, as though in preparation or anticipation of the miracle. All eyes were turned upon the two central figures.

Constant intercession, and the uplifting of that "holy desire" which is the watchword of her teaching into a sacrificial passion these are the means from which she hoped for reform and purification.

That is a part of the world where already American influence extends, a saving influence and an educating and an uplifting influence.

"To the others it may seem flags flying, drums beating, and a fine uplifting spectacle; but we see the horrors, the shattered bodies, the eyes that pray for death. It's a ghastly affair." And yet there was something in the thought which flamed at Dick's heart and made him throw his head up.

Is it for the many or only for the few? Is all the toil and sorrow of millions merely for the uplifting and perfecting of certain individual types, and is this what Christ meant when He said 'Many are called but few are chosen'? If so, why such waste of brain and heart and love and patience? Tears came suddenly into my eyes and I started as from a bad dream when Dr.

Believe me it is best." "Well, then," I answered, "I shall try to find her; but if I cannot, you mind what I said." "I will not forget. But I will add this that there are many fair maidens, and but one Hertha." Then he turned away into the dark, and was gone with an uplifting of his hand in parting blessing.

It is not other than natural that under the reign of a noble woman there should arise women noble-minded as herself, cherishing ideas of life and duty lofty as her own, and that their greatest elevation of purpose should tent to raise the moral standard among the men who work with them for the uplifting of their fellow subjects.

There was something out of Whack with the Steering Gear, for instead of bringing up at his Boarding House he found himself at another Rum Parlor. The Man who owned the Place had lost the Key and could not lock up. Here he met several Delegates to a State Convention of a Fraternal Order having for its Purpose the uplifting of Mankind.

Or rather, really, she would have reported herself as soon as their train, that of the "guilty couple," got in; no matter how late in the evening. It was at any rate actually uplifting to realize that I had got thus, in three minutes, the pull of her in regard to her great New York friends. My eye, as Lorraine says, how she HAS, on all this ground of those people, been piling it on!