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The thorny ground hearers are converted, but inbred sin remains in their hearts in form of the love of riches, whether these riches are possessed or only desired, or too much care and cumber, having so much regard to the secular as to neglect the spiritual, or in the form of unsanctified desire, "the lusts of other things," and so by sin that dwelleth in them the word is "choked," and though they may bring forth a little meagre fruit of inferior quality, yet they bring "no fruit to perfection."

And, lest mortals sink from their high estate, borne down by their sins of unsanctified ambition, he prays, and prays again, "Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, lest we forget, lest we forget." And the prayer echoes and reëchoes in the soul of the man, and the world sees his lips moving in the prayer of the poet, "Lest we forget, lest we forget."

There was the like composition in Moses, and in Paul; and it is of great use, especially in this work of reformation. I have not observed any disputes carried on with more bitterness in men's writings, and with a more unsanctified heat of spirit, yea, and by godly men too, than in controversies about discipline, church government, ceremonies, and the like.

And, commanding one of his rabble to hold a torch close to his head, he uncovered and showed a tonsured crown. "And if we refuse?" said Lord James, quietly. "Then, good Doctor Luke," answered the youth, "we are ten to four and it would be our sad duty to send you all to heaven and then ease your pockets, lest, being dead, some unsanctified passer-by might be tempted to steal your money."

Now, here we have a river of water of life that is clear clear without dirt and mud clear without the human inventions and muddy conceptions of unsanctified and uninstructed judgments; yea, here you have a river the streams whereof lie open to all in the church, so that they need not those instruments of conveyance that are foul, and that use to make water stink, if they receive it to bring it to them that have need.

It is true that spiritual conflicts are all the more dangerous for those who have not yet found deliverance from their own unsanctified passions and tendencies. A heart in which such things as pride and evil desire, lust, worldly ambition, and ill-tempers remain, is like a citadel in which traitors lurk to respond to the call of outward enemies.

We have contrived to throw no small odium upon the usurper and betrayer of his wife's father, by exposing and magnifying, indeed, the sums of money which he has lavished upon his courtesan, Mistress Villiers, now, by his heretic and unsanctified breath, raised into the peerage by the title of Countess of Orkney.

Let a man attach himself to a particular party, contend furiously for what are properly called evangelical doctrines, and enlist himself under the banner of some popular preacher, and the business is done. Behold a Christian! a saint! a phoenix! In the meantime, perhaps, his heart and his temper, and even his conduct, are unsanctified; possibly less exemplary than those of some avowed infidels.

He her hated and despised brother was trying to bless her, to lay unsanctified and sinful yet yearning hands upon her, and it was a blow to her pride to learn forbearance in such a school and from such a teacher. But he had spoken almost his last words. He collapsed, groaning, and the doctor and Mme. Poussette each passed an arm under him. Father Rielle appeared at the bedside with the sacrament.

But what could he propose by his hypocrisy? I cannot tell His passions are violent and ungovernable; and are or very lately have been in full vigour Again and again 'tis strange! But what of this? Why these fears? Can she be spotted, tinged by the stain of unsanctified desire? Never! The pure chastity of her soul is superior to attaint! Yet Who can say?