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"Unposs'ble, sir," replied the guide, whose voice was almost drowned by the whistling of the wind. "We're more nor half-way over, an' it would only blow us farther out to sea if we was to try." While the guide spoke, Stanley was gazing earnestly in the direction of the horizon. "Round with you, Massan," he exclaimed suddenly; "put the canoe about and paddle straight out to sea.

"Martin," said Barney, gravely, as he smoked his pipe and patted the head of his dog, "d'ye know I'm beginning to feel tired o' the company o' thim naked rascals, and I've been revolvin' in my mind what we should do to escape. Moreover, I've corned to a conclusion." "And what's that?" inquired Martin. "That it's unposs'ble to escape at all, and I don't know what to do."

"Unposs'ble!" exclaimed Rais decidedly. "I manes to try, anyhow," returned Ted; "so give us your flipper, owld boy; I've a sort o' sneakin' regard for 'ee, tho' ye haven't much to boast of in the way o' pluck." "Unposs'ble!" again ejaculated Rais Ali, with greater decision than before. "Well, good-bye to 'ee I'm off." "Stay. I will save you." "How?" asked Ted, pausing with some impatience. "Stay.

"Martin," said Barney, gravely, as he smoked his pipe and patted the head of his dog, "d'ye know, I'm beginning to feel tired o' the company o' thim naked rascals, and I've been revolvin' in my mind what we should do to escape. Moreover, I've comed to a conclusion." "And what's that?" inquired Martin. "That it's unposs'ble to escape at all, and I don't know what to do."

Hold. Stop," cried, the Moor, seizing the arm of his friend. "You be mad. Unposs'ble I say? no, yes, poss'ble anuf for you 'scape without your body. But me save bof. Me knows hole in de rocks; come take you dere," here the Moor became emphatic, and lowered his voice to a whisper, "no boddy do knows it. All dead w'at know'd it vonce. Me was a what you call? pirate vonce.