United States or Turkey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

David Speck, pastor of the First United Brethren Church of Chambersburg, was in Johnstown visiting her brother last week and narrowly escaped death in the flood. She arrived to-day clad in nondescript clothing, which had been furnished by an old colored washer-woman and told the following story of the flood: "Our house was in Kernville, a part of Johnstown, through which Stony Creek ran.

The impediments resulting from varying dues on navigation and from the vexatious treatment of our vessels on merely technical grounds of complaint in West India ports should be removed. The progress toward an adjustment of pending claims between the United States and Spain is not as rapid as could be desired.

For the launch the students of New College, Edinburgh, made themselves responsible, and they succeeded in raising a sum of nearly L400 for the purpose. The hospital and dispensary and their equipment were provided by Mr. A. Kemp, a member of Braid United Free Church, Edinburgh, an admirer of Miss Slessor's work, and at his suggestion it was called the Mary Slessor Mission Hospital.

Anticipating faintly the Gettysburg oration, the first message contained these words: "And this issue embraces more than the fate of these United States.

The Archbishop will lay the redress of his quarrel upon the shoulders of the Emperor, and it is the oncoming of the Imperial troops you have to fear, and not an invasion from Treves. Against the forces of the Emperor we are powerless, united or divided. Indeed, his Majesty may call upon us to invest this castle, whereupon, if we refuse, we are rebels who have broken our oaths."

When I returned to Sicily after my mother died, Margherita the Countess had disappeared. I tried every means to find her you know, Martel left her, in a way, under my care but I couldn't locate her in any Italian city. Then I learned that she had come to the United States and took up the search on this side.

My thought was stunned at the sight and I said to myself, "These be things methinks united which could not be found save in the treasuries of a King of Kings, nor could the monarchs of the world have collected the like of these!"

Let me tell gentlemen, that both united will never succeed; as I said on a former day, God forbid that they should ever rule this country!

"No, sire," cried I, "you must not, you cannot refuse our united prayers; and I here vow to remain kneeling at your feet till your lips shall pronounce the word which shall restore life and happiness to so many afflicted hearts."

I say that the question of freedom to men of all races is deeply involved in this great strife in the United States. I said I wanted the working men of this audience to listen to my statement, because it is to them that I particularly wish to address myself.