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'Forgive me if I say you talk like the bigger child, Fleetwood said lightly, not ungenially; for the features he looked on were museful, a picture in their one expression. Her answer chilled him. 'It is true, my lord. I will not detain you. I would beg to be supplied with money. He was like the leaves of a frosted plant, in his crisp curling inward: he had been so genial.

'Forgive me if I say you talk like the bigger child, Fleetwood said lightly, not ungenially; for the features he looked on were museful, a picture in their one expression. Her answer chilled him. 'It is true, my lord. I will not detain you. I would beg to be supplied with money. He was like the leaves of a frosted plant, in his crisp curling inward: he had been so genial.

Very many thousand times above Dudley Sowerby, Nataly ranked Dartrey Fenellan; and still she looked at him, where he sat beside Nesta, ungenially, critical of the very features, jealously in the interests of Dudley; and recollecting, too, that she had once prayed for one exactly resembling Dartrey Fenellan to be her Nesta's husband.

The sun glared ungenially at that blot upon the waters, breeding infectious disease; the waves flung the hated burden from one to the other, disdainful of her freight of sin; the winds had no commission for fair sailing, but whistled through the rigging crossways, howling in the ears of many in that ship, as if they carried ghosts along with them: the very rocks and reefs butted her off the creamy line of breakers, as sea-unicorns distorting; no affectionate farewell blessed her departure; no hearty welcomes await her at the port.

Very many thousand times above Dudley Sowerby, Nataly ranked Dartrey Fenellan; and still she looked at him, where he sat beside Nesta, ungenially, critical of the very features, jealously in the interests of Dudley; and recollecting, too, that she had once prayed for one exactly resembling Dartrey Fenellan to be her Nesta's husband.

"I could have seen what's up with you without being told," he remarked ungenially. "It won't be for so very long. I shall look all right again some day," she declared, with a sad little laugh. "That's the worst of women," he went on. "Just when you think everything's all right, this goes and happens." His words fired her blood. "I should have thought you would have been very proud," she cried.

When it does come off my sister-in-law will do something absurd." "Something sentimental? I'll bet you she doesn't! Democracy is all very well except when it comes to marriage. Then even idealists like Lady Tatham knock under." "I wish you may be right. Anyway, she won't send him to New York!" "No need! Blue blood impoverished! that's my forecast." Gerald smiled ungenially.

And the English reader is to note especially those Mirow people, as perhaps of some small interest to him, if he knew it. The Crown-Prince reports to papa, in a satirical vein, not ungenially, and with much more freedom than is usual in those Reinsberg letters of his: "REINSBERG, 26th October, 1736. ... "Yesterday I went across to Mirow.

"That Annie?" asked Uncle Pentstemon, pointing a horny thumb-nail. "Fancy your remembering her name!" "She mucked up my mushroom bed, the baggage!" said Uncle Pentstemon ungenially, "and I give it to her to rights. Trounced her I did fairly. I remember her. Here's some green stuff for you, Grace. Fresh it is and wholesome.