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But yet it stung, and stung the more because I had and have the Ireton face, and that is unbeloved of women, and glum and curst and solemn even when the man behind it would be kindly. So when they laughed and chuckled at this jest, I lingered on and listened with the better grace. "What brought him over-seas, Sir Francis?"

But in her condition, the heart of a woman is instantly planted in jungle when the spirits of the two men closest to her are made to stand opposed by a sudden excitement of her fears for the beloved one. She cannot see widely, and is one of the wild while the fit lasts; and, after it, that savage narrow vision she had of the unbeloved retains its vivid print in permanence. Was she unjust?

"What are you driving at?" the dealer asked. "Not charitable?" returned the other, gloomily. "Not charitable; not pious; not scrupulous; unloving, unbeloved; a hand to get money, a safe to keep it. Is that all? Dear God, man, is that all?" "I will tell you what it is," began the dealer, with some sharpness, and then broke off again into a chuckle.

'What are you driving at? the dealer asked. 'Not charitable? returned the other, gloomily. Not charitable; not pious; not scrupulous; unloving, unbeloved; a hand to get money, a safe to keep it. Is that all? Dear God, man, is that all? 'I will tell you what it is, began the dealer, with some sharpness, and then broke off again into a chuckle.

But, most of the day, I must regard myself as a prisoner, with the entire freedom of his study a large airy room on the second floor, well furnished with all manner of books, old prints, strange fishes in glass cases, rods, guns, pipe-racks, curiosities of every kind from various parts of the world India, the South Seas, Australia, not forgetting London and Paris and all the flotsam and jetsam of a far-wandered man, who as the "King" remarked, introducing their autobiographic display with a comprehensive wave of his hand had, like that other wanderer unbeloved of all schoolboys, the pious Æneas, been so much tossed about on land and sea vi superum, sævæ memorem Junonis ob iram that he might found his city and bring safe his household gods from Latium.

When you arrive at mature age, and enter upon the active duty of life, you will have acquired those feelings which will deprive you of the affection of your fellow beings, and you will probably go through the world unbeloved and unrespected. Can you be willing so to live?

The new landscape which was his the lovely unbeloved is, it need hardly be said, the matter of his poetry and not its inspiration. It may have seemed to some readers that it is the novelty, in poetry, of this homely unscenic scenery this Lincolnshire quality that accounts for Tennyson's freshness of vision. But it is not so.

I will enter into an explanation. At the court of , there was an Italian, not uncelebrated for his wisdom, nor unbeloved for an innocence and integrity of life rarely indeed to be met with among his countrymen. The acquaintance of this man, who was about fifty years of age, and who was devoted almost exclusively to the pursuit of philosophical science, I had sedulously cultivated.

The mind of the vile jester, the tongue that had pursued Duncan Jopp with unmanly insults, the unbeloved countenance that he had known and feared for so long, were all forgotten; and he hastened home, impatient to confess his misdeeds, impatient to throw himself on the mercy of this imaginary character. He was not to be long without a rude awakening.