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"He that handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung." The ultimate effects of perseverance, coupled with time, is thus shown: "With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry tree becomes satin."

One thing still remained perhaps the most difficult of all: to bring the exceptional state of things into accordance with the paths prescribed by the new or old laws. It was facilitated by the circumstance, that Sulla never lost sight of this as his ultimate aim.

Watchfulness and severity were the only means of holding his position, and these two qualities he used with a tenacity which alone secured his ultimate success. The first threatenings came from the Beni Asad, a powerful tribe inhabiting the country directly east of Medina. Under their chief Tuleiha, they planned a raid against Mahomet.

She also told him her opinion of him, and without plagiarizing her husband's words, came to the same conclusion as to his ultimate fate. "You come along home with me," she said, turning in a friendly fashion to the bewildered girl. "They deserve what they've got both of 'em. I only hope that they'll both get such awful colds that they won't find their voices for a twelvemonth."

He pulled off his cap, in a movement of dream-liberation, and went across to her. But he could not touch her, because she stood barefoot in her night-dress, and he was muddy and damp. Her eyes, wide and large and wondering, watched him, and asked him the ultimate question. 'I came because I must, he said. 'Why do you ask? She looked at him in doubt and wonder. 'I must ask, she said.

But in the mercantile system, the interest of the consumer is almost constantly sacrificed to that of the producer; and it seems to consider production, and not consumption, as the ultimate end and object of all industry and commerce.

"Now what will you do, driver?" said cowardly I, who, always mortally afraid of horse-flesh, felt on this occasion a strange confidence: partly in the staid, heavy mass of determination beside me, who looked so calm and good-natured; and partly in the queer, elfin look of the beast, who seemed so far off as to have no necessary connection with our safety or ultimate progress.

Regarded as positions, therefore, these two islands are the real rivals for control of the Caribbean and of the Gulf of Mexico; and it may be added that the strategic centre of interest for both Gulf and Caribbean is to be found in the Windward Passage, because it furnishes the ultimate test of the relative power of the two islands to control the Caribbean.

If the ultimate resolution should happen to be lost, he was afraid the propositions would pass as waste paper, if not be injurious to the cause at a future time. And now, as the house must bring this matter to an issue, he would beg their attention to a particular point.

Wide, therefore, as is the opposition of opinions as to what is the true theory of the world as to which is the divine and which the diabolical element I fully believe that beneath the war of words and dogmas there is a growth of genuine toleration, and, we must hope, of ultimate conciliation. This is manifest in another direction. The churches are rapidly making at least one discovery.