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From the open pulpit Master Ulric has offered to justify his doctrine, if it be granted him to hold a public disputation in the presence of all, both of the clergy and the laity. We have permitted him to do this in the German language before the Great Council.

You ask us to prohibit Master Ulric Zwingli from publishing books and writings against you, because it is contrary to our treaties, and yet it is clear to you and all men, that Doctor Eck and Faber, and their adherents, have issued sundry little books and writings for the dishonor, shame and derision of us and our preachers, which were carried, sent over and circulated at the Diet, and in many other places, far and near, with boastful pomp and rejoicing, and have been read and listened to with evident relish; and truly it ought and must deeply pain and grieve us, as pious, honest, faithful Confederates, that such strange, foreign, slanderous and wicked people, who, beyond doubt, wish not only to lessen and obstruct the profit, honor, piety and welfare of our glorious Confederacy, but according to their race and nation, under a false show of good, to obliterate and utterly destroy it, should receive almost more respect, confidence and esteem than we.

He surveys the renegade standing over the corpse of the King. "Christian renegade!" he says, "Allah has given us a great victory. The arms of the Sublime Emperor are everywhere triumphant. The Christian King is slain by you." "Peace to his soul! He died like a good knight," gasps Ulric, himself dying on the field.

He then apologized likewise for the departure of Collin, the professor of the Greek language, whom he had taken with him asked, since Basel had granted a member of the Council toŒcolampadius, that the same might be done for his assistance; and nominated the treasurer, Ulric Funk, on account of his cleverness and knowledge of the Latin language, who, as soon as he had received permission, hastened to join him.

Ulric H. Ellerhusen. Wall of building facing colonnade, seventeen feet high. Acacia blooming there, suggesting over-growth, relieves severe lines of architecture. Broken by small doors, at corners decorated with spears. Doors suggest Greek design. Corinthian columns and pilasters; harmony of color, smoked ivory and ochre, with shades of green in foliage.

The weeping women at the corners, by Ulric Ellerhusen, expressive of the melancholy felt on leaving a great art collection, were intended to be only half seen through drooping vines. On the water side of the rotunda, a novel effect of inclusion is obtained by semi-circular walls of growing mesembryanthemum.

'Tis thus my sublime Emperor meetly rewards you. Sound trumpets! We march for Vienna to-night!" And the curtain drops as Carpezan, crawling towards his dying comrade, kisses his hands, and gasps "Forgive me, Ulric!" When Mr. Warrington has finished reading his tragedy, he turns round to Mr. Johnson, modestly, and asks, "What say you, sir? Is there any chance for me?"

"My dear fellow, you must be under the guardianship of some uncanny familiar. You surely must, Cleek!" he went on. "Do you mean to tell me that is what kept you at home? That you have been reading about the preparations for the forthcoming coronation of King Ulric of Mauravania?" "Yes; why not? I am sure it makes interesting reading, Mr. Narkom.

At each extremity of the colonnade and at intervals throughout its length are groups of four larger columns, in ochre, each group surmounted by a great box, designed to hold flowers and vines. Panels simulating pale green, veined marble are inset in these receptacles and at their corners are drooping women's figures by Ulric H. Ellerhusen representing Contemplation.

Figtree, who is of a sentimental turn, regrets that Ulric could not be saved, and married to the comic heroine. "Nay, sir, there was an utter annihilation of the Hungarian army at Mohacz," says Mr. Johnson, "and Ulric must take his knock on the head with the rest. He could only be saved by flight, and you wouldn't have a hero run away!