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Pomfrette pulled out a greasy dollar-bill from his pocket the last he owned in the world and threw it on the counter. Then he reached over, caught up a brandy-bottle from the shelf, knocked off the neck with a knife, and, pouring a tumblerful, drank it off at a gasp. His head came up, his shoulders straightened out, his eyes snapped fire.

I stood under the shadow of that tree for, I suppose, hard upon an hour, and had not the heart to be angry. Once some one remembered me, and brought me out half a tumblerful of the playful, innocuous American cocktail. I drank it, and lo! veins of living fire ran down my leg; and then a focus of conflagration remained seated in my stomach, not unpleasantly, for quarter of an hour.

When a youth is delicate, it is an excellent plan to give him, every morning before he leaves his bed, a tumblerful of new milk. The draught of milk, of course, is not in any way to interfere with his regular breakfast. Do you approve of a boy eating meat with his breakfast? This will depend upon the exercise he uses.

John poured out and swallowed half a tumblerful of the brandy, and in another moment he was outside the house and had slipped off into the night. It was very dark and wet, for the rain-clouds had covered up the moon, and he soon learned that any attempt to look for his horse would end in failure and probably in his recapture.

He swallowed a tumblerful of claret, but would not eat nor go to bed; and indeed, Gregorio alone having had the personal charge of him, latterly sleeping in his dressing-room, none of the other servants knew what to do for him. Mr.

He opened a bottle of champagne, which, as soon as he cut the wire, blew its cork out with incredible violence, and for the most part followed it into space. Bert, however, got about a tumblerful. "Atmospheric pressure," said Bert, finding a use at last for the elementary physiography of his seventh-standard days. "I'll have to be more careful next time. No good wastin' drink."

Whereas in the grate even a quite little fire never ceases to be amusing and inspiring until you let it out. As much fire as would correspond with a handful of earth or a tumblerful of water is yet a joy to the eyes, and a lively suggestion of grandeur. The other elements, even as presented in huge samples, impress us as less august than fire.

The young cocoa-nut contains about a tumblerful of a liquid something resembling water sweetened with lump-sugar, and very slightly acid. This is the ordinary beverage of the Samoans. A young cocoa-nut baked in the oven yields a hot draught, which is very pleasant to an invalid. A bowl of this disgustingly-prepared stuff was made and served out when a party of chiefs sat down to a meal.

"Very well, then, Jeeves. We must act. How much gin did you put in the jug?" "A liberal tumblerful, sir." "Would that be a normal dose for an adult defeatist, do you think?" "I fancy it should prove adequate, sir." "I wonder. We must not spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar. I think I'll add just another fluid ounce or so." "I would not advocate it, sir. In the case of Lord Brancaster's parrot "

If vomiting is not present, induce it by an emetic. Give doses of strong tea. Keep very warm by hot blankets. Good domestic emetics are a teaspoonful of mustard in a tumblerful of water, or a tablespoonful of salt in the same quantity of water. Poisoning, Blood.