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I turned on the Tuliatskaya, passed two blocks and explored where the Budishchevs were. Again a Lett, again no eyebrows over the same piggish eyes. And again a Lett. Gracious! One more in here and the whole Letvia must be in Tobolsk! When I knew the city well enough I turned back to Kornilov's. The same chamber-lackey opened the rear door almost killing me with the smell of cabbage. "Dr.

Right across the street is the house of Kornilov Brothers, also a stone building; three stories, and in this house are those who went with the family in exile. There are sentinels around. On Tuliatskaya Street near the fence at its ends and in the middle, three soldiers, on Liberty Street four soldiers; two soldiers near the entrance hall.

The Emperor and the Empress, with the children, were finally put in the Mansion, by the way its name is now "The Home of Liberty," which is on the main street of Tobolsk, the Great Piatnitzkaya, also renamed now into Liberty Street. The Governor's Mansion is a three-story stone house, white, with a big entrance hall from Tuliatskaya Street, there is not any entrance from Liberty Street.

I walked out onto Tuliatskaya Street and chatted for a while with Leibner and Vert. I was changed and nobody asked me where my friend Pashinsky was. Comrade Fost was shot yesterday at nine in the morning for murder. It was a glorious inspiration to put the tassel under his pillow. In the afternoon we buried Pashinsky.