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The tugs advanced gallantly to the onset, six of them rushing almost simultaneously upon the "Vittoria." That vessel met them with a broadside which sank four at once, and the other two were riddled by shell from Hotchkiss revolving cannon from the decks of the Spaniard; their machinery was crippled, and they drifted helplessly out to sea.

It moved on smoothly almost as smoothly as when on the water there were no jogs or tugs, as might have been the case if it had been pulled by two or three coarse, strong ropes, for all the hundreds of tiny cables pulling together made one even force. "Why, how clever they are!" cried Jeanne. "We go as smoothly as if we were on wheels. Nice little frogs.

A full half-dozen tugs and steamships had been sent to the scene of the conflagration there to cruise about until some trace of the missing should be found. A Clyde vessel had sighted the burned steamship, a mere mass of charred and twisted frames and plates, sinking low in the sea. A Government cruiser and a revenue cutter had joined in the search. But no word had come.

Yet by the strenuous efforts of the department in fitting out ships that had been laid up, in completing those under construction, and in extensive purchases and arming of all classes of vessels that could be put to use, from screw and side-wheel merchant steamers to ferry-boats and tugs, a legally effective blockade was established within a period of six months.

By the air from Germany the officers received the Iron Cross, promotion, and the Emperor's grateful thanks. But if you would see what work the Navy has done, you must first begin at Lindi in the south. There you will see the Präsident of the D.O.A. line lying on her side with her propellers blown off and waiting for our tugs to drag her to Durban for repair.

Still there is nothing more wonderful than the tugs and twists the marriage tie will bear. There were still days in which Archie either from love, or pity, or contradiction, or perhaps from a sense of simple justice took his wife's part so positively that Madame must have been discouraged if she had been a less understanding woman.

I admire your nerve," the Elder was pulling out each word with violent tugs at the side-whiskers, "but we'll see, sir, who holds the trumps." "You mean that you offer me no other alternative than to fight this through to a finish?" asked the minister. "I offer you no alternative whatsoever. I command you to remain away from my daughter."

That do I bid him, I, Isolde!" Fixedly she watches the attendant moving along the deck, past the sailors at their work, toward the solitary figure of the knight. She watches the two fixedly while their interview lasts. Kurwenal, catching sight of the woman approaching, tugs at his master's mantle: "Attention, Tristan! Message from Isolde!"

Round about it was an unbroken ring of docks, with ferry-boats and tugs darting everywhere, and vessels which had come from every port in the world, emptying their cargoes into the huge maw of the Metropolis. And of all this, nothing had been planned! All lay just as it had fallen, and men bore the confusion and the waste as best they could.

Next comes the poor devil of a shipwright that brute caught and squashed as she went off the ways. They called it the launch of a ship, but I've heard people say that, from the wailing and yelling and scrambling out of the way, it was more like letting a devil loose upon the river. She snapped all her checks like pack-thread, and went for the tugs in attendance like a fury.