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It doesn't rhyme with anything but blisters. Let's see if we can move her." Thanks to some tremendous tugging, the flat-boat moved slowly out from shore. Inch by inch, it seemed, they gained on the current. "The old tub's got speed in her," grunted Jerry, between sweeps of his oar. "Ought to have it in her," returned Dave. "I'll bet you nobody ever got it out of her. Ugh!"

"A week ago Tuesday, more likely, mother," suggested Dora. "Nonsense, Dora! It was this week, wasn't it, girls?" The mother appealed to them quite earnestly, as if the date of that tub's delivery would furnish forth the supper-table; but none of the young ladies save Dora had even a contradiction to offer.

Just at this time a sparrow lit on the tub's edge, and uttered a loud and startled chirp at sight of the sleeping child. As the bird flew off precipitately, Jamie opened his eyes, and gazed up in astonishment at the blue sky over his head. He stretched out his hand and felt the rough sides of the tub. Then, in complete bewilderment, he clambered to his feet.

My wife, she says to me the other night, when she wos a-washin' of the baby in the big bread can you see, sir, the washin' tub's gone and sprung a leak, an' so we're redoosed to the bread can Well, as I wos a-sayin', my wife says to me `Richards, says she, `it's my belief that Marryhann will never marry, for her 'art an' soul is set upon Mrs Osten, an' she's got a strange feelin' of sartinty that Master Will, as she calls the runaway boy, will come back to comfort 'is mother an' look arter the furrin estates.

"And those men with their wheelbarrows? Why do they let them go so close?" She shuddered and put her hand over her eyes. The foreman laughed. "Why, it's quite safe! the tub's moved out of the way. You see the furnace has to be fed with different stuffs -the tub brings one sort and the barrows another. Now look they're going to turn it over. Stand back!"

Quillan swung down into the seat behind her. The canopy snapped shut above. The Commissioner shifted the tub's controls. In the screens, the room outside vanished. A darkness went rushing downwards past them. A thought suddenly popped to mind again, and Trigger burst into tears. The Commissioner glanced over at her. "What's the matter, Trigger girl?" "I'm so s-sorry I killed Pilli. He s-screamed."

P'raps there won't be a teaspoonful o' pearls, and them only as small as dust." "Oh!" ejaculated Carey. "No use to reckon on them, sir, but all the same, sometimes when a tub's emptied it turns out wonderful." But the time wore on; tub after tub was filled, and the contents grew more and more liquid, and the testing was still kept in abeyance.

By great labour they had succeeded in dragging her up into the margin of the scrub on the beach, where they had turned her over and covered her carefully with dead branches. * English whale-ship boats generally used two line tub's American only one. No doubt this boat was lost from an English whaler, the Britannia, then on the coast.

This cave gave upon the sweetest little thing in coves, all deep blue water and honest rocks; and here I looked after the vineyard shipping, a pot-bellied tub with a brown sail, and a sort of dingy. The tub took the wine to Naples, and the dingy was the tub's tender.

He was indeed desperately involved, being so completely wound up in the waxy mass that he could not climb over the tub's edge. He looked comical and miserable enough in his plight: the children and the visitors thought so, and so did Francesca and I; but Salemina went directly home, and kept her room for an hour. She is so sensitive! Och, thin, it's herself that's the marthyr intirely!